[tahoe-dev] 回复: Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: how to run the tahoe-lafs in another computer without internet?

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at zooko.com
Thu Apr 5 15:02:17 UTC 2012

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 7:37 AM, han zheng <z.han0903 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I got the python from http://www.python.org/getit/, and I think it is ok, my
> os is ubuntu9.10, I donnot know why. Installation of python2.7 is
> just:./configure;make install. I donnot know why there is no bz2 supported.
> Is there need to make some configuration?thanks

I see. I think the reason that the resulting Python executable didn't
have a bz2 module may have been that your system didn't have the
"libbz2-dev" package installed when you ran "./configure":


By the way, that list of results from searching for "libbz2-dev"
doesn't show Ubuntu 9.10, because that version of Ubuntu is no longer
supported and does not receive security patches.



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