[tahoe-dev] Idea for a Publish/Subscribe Message System on Tahoe-LAFS

Ted Rolle, Jr. stercor at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 21:35:11 UTC 2012

Not intended to be definitive; just a heads-up that we need to get have
sufficient entropy --- whatever that may be.

Have you read the Wired article on what the NSA is building in Utah?

On 04/08/2012 05:13 PM, Shawn Willden wrote:
> I find that strip rather disappointing (even after correcting the URL
> so it works).  Munroe usually does his homework better than that.  44
> bits of entropy really isn't very much these days, and his estimate of
> 550 years to guess assumes a 1000 passwords per second testing rate,
> which is at least three orders of magnitude too low -- for a single
> CPU.  Throw a thousand CPUs at it (not terribly difficult or expensive
> using Amazon or similar) and you can easily exceed a billion tests per
> second for many common password hashing algorithms.
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