[tahoe-dev] FAQ-type question about ports

sickness sickness at tiscali.it
Fri Apr 13 00:23:13 UTC 2012

On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 04:07:12AM +0400, Vladimir Arseniev wrote:
> On 12-04-12 04:53 PM, Marko Niinimaki wrote:
> > what tcp ports do I need to open in order to run Tahoe nodes
> > and the introducer on different networks?
> They're in ~/.tahoe/client.port and ~/.tahoe/introducer.port.
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iirc those files are now deprecated, the tahoe.cfg config
file has to hold the port numbers instead, like this:

 The value is a comma-separated string of host:port location hints, like

 A few examples:

  Emulate default behavior, assuming your host has IP address
  and the kernel-allocated port number was 8098:

   tub.port = 8098
   tub.location =,

  Use a DNS name so you can change the IP address more easily:

   tub.port = 8098
   tub.location = tahoe.example.com:8098

  Run a node behind a firewall (which has an external IP address) that has
  been configured to forward port 7912 to our internal node's port 8098:

   tub.port = 8098
   tub.location = external-firewall.example.com:7912

same is for introducer.port

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