[tahoe-dev] Warning or error when running Tahoe as root

markus reichelt ml at mareichelt.com
Sat Aug 4 17:17:56 UTC 2012

* David-Sarah Hopwood <david-sarah at jacaranda.org> wrote:

> > Oh and how do you plan on checking whether Tahoe is actually
> > running as root?  I wouldn't just parse for root but actually
> > check group id/groups as well.
> geteuid() == 0
> I don't think it's necessary to check the effective gid, is it?

I take this off list intentionally; IMHO the OP is confused about
what he/she is doing/trying to accomplish.  Reading his latest mail,
I had to go back to read his first, and frankly it didn't help. And I
really don't want to know the details.

I would have just nodded politely. (seriously)


left blank, right bald

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