[tahoe-dev] Potential use for personal backup

markus reichelt ml at mareichelt.com
Thu May 24 10:51:06 UTC 2012

* Saint Germain <saintger at gmail.com> wrote:

> > How much traffic per month do nodes in VG2 typically get? Is a
> > 2TB bandwidth cap high enough?  Is 4TB high enough?
> > 
> For info, here is the server I am willing to take (2G) :
> http://www.kimsufi.co.uk/

I have got one of those as a personal testbox for about half a year
now. For Lake Tahoe's Laughing Atheist Fun Society it's just fine.

(Nothing to complain about, yet but better be prepared for slow & 
rather clueless support; anyway, for that price it's a fine deal.)

Also, the last time the topic has come up on IRC, people also
mentioned that http://atlasnetworks.us/ offers recycled servers as

> I would be also interested in the traffic per month !

Can't say, I'm not a member of VG2. Shawn will surely chime in.

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