[tahoe-dev] 回复: Re: hello

han zheng z.han0903 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 03:29:10 UTC 2012

Thank you, just as you said, I wrote some python code like this(test.py):
if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = client.Client("/home/nick/.tahoe")
    uploader = c.getServiceNamed("uploader")
    uploadable = FileName("/home/nick/test.tar.gz",None)
    d = uploader.upload(uploadable)


When I ran "python test.py"(the file located in "/home/nick/.tahoe"), there was an Failure instance like this: "client gave us zero servers"

Should I do some initialization work? and how?  I ran "tahoe start" before I ran "test.py"

If I only use tahoe as backup system, I think uploading a file directly to the cloud is more efficient


han zheng

发件人:Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
发送时间:2012-11-03 05:33
主题:Re: [tahoe-dev] hello
收件人:"Tahoe-LAFS development"<tahoe-dev at tahoe-lafs.org>

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 9:25 AM, han zheng <z.han0903 at gmail.com> wrote: 
> Is there a way to directly upload a local file to the "tahoe cloud" not using the web server? 

Tahoe-LAFS doesn't offer any API reachable from other processes 
(command-line, kernel, or remote-procedure-call) which *doesn't* route 
through the webapi. The diagram "network-and-reliance-toplogy.svg" ¹ 
shows this architecture. Everything goes through the "Tahoe-LAFS 
gateway", and the only API that the Tahoe-LAFS gateway exports is the 

¹ https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/browser/docs/network-and-reliance-topology.svg 

Han Zheng: why do you want to upload a local file to the tahoe grid 
not using the web server? 

The way to accomplish that is to write some Python code that runs in 
the same Python process as the Tahoe-LAFS gateway. The way that I find 
easiest to do such things is to look at other code that already does 
it and copy and modify that. 

So, here is the code that gets run when someone makes a PUT request to 
the webapi (as described in webapi.rst ²): 

² https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/browser/git/docs/frontends/webapi.rst?rev=05d0b8b5b9247e1d0541e58250a81df89d5c9115#writing-uploading-a-file 

web/root.py parses the HTTP request and decides what sort of upload 
this is (mutable or immutable): 


Then it calls web/unlinked.py which constructs a FileHandle object. 
That object is provides the interface that the uploader expects, and 
it has a handle (open file descriptor) to the file on disk from which 
it will read the data while the data is being uploaded. 


Then (after an unnecessary layer of indirection that I'm skipping), 
immutable/upload.py starts doing some real work: setting the encoding 
parameters, deciding whether to literalize this immutable file, etc: 


So, if you write some Python code that invokes immutable/upload.py's 
"upload()" method, and passes an "uploadable" as the argument (note 
that in case shown above the "uploadable" is the FileHandle object 
constructed by web/unlinked.py), then you'll upload a file directly to 
the grid. 


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