[tahoe-dev] Node alert function

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Mon Aug 12 18:08:24 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 10:08:47AM +0200, Anders Genell wrote:
> We are continuing to deploy our friendnet dubbed RegnmolNET (the rain cloud in Swedish).


Hey, would you please add RegnmolNET to
https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/Grids . Maybe you could a table
with some columns like the (approximate) date the grid was constructed the
(approximate) number of users, etc.

> One thing we thought of in addition to make the web welcome page color blindness proof was to have some daemon monitoring nodes and if they have been disconnected for more than XX hours or days sending a notification to e.g. an email address. 
> Would this be something that would be worth including in tahoe? If not, is there a simple text file listing nodes that are connected/disconnected that we can parse to automate an alert?
> If not, is there some python API call or similar to that end?

Yes! I think this would be a very useful thing to have. I'm not sure if it
should be a standalone script or if it should be a feature of the Tahoe-LAFS

Please see if one of these tickets:


Describes that feature already. If not, please create a new ticket and put
"ostrom" in the Keywords. Here's the wiki page on Ostrom:


By the way, as I just mentioned on this mailing list recently, most
Friend-Grids fail, as far as I have heard. I suspect that the lack of this sort
of monitoring/transparency/visualization/socialization/Ostromism feature is one
of the reasons for such failures.



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