[tahoe-dev] perl/ruby/sed scripts?

Zancas Dearana zancas at leastauthority.com
Wed Jan 23 19:43:58 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Tom Vecchione <tvecchione at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> Has anyone written any perl/ruby/sed (etc) scripts to modify
> a number of tahoe.cfg files in place on a number of tahoe
> storage/client servers?  If so, is there a central repository for
> helper scripts like this?  I seem to remember Zooko mentioning
> something like this a couple of weeks ago.
> Thanks,
> Tom V
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Tom, here's some of the functionality you're looking for (written in Python):




  (Most of this code was written by davidsarah, but we haven't yet
formally migrated our old (darcs) repository to Git yet, so
attribution is inaccurate.)

  The "TAHOE_CFG_TEMPLATE" string is a tahoe.cfg file template that is
filled out via string interpolation in the "bounce_server" function.

  The "bouncer_server" function then makes calls to "run" and "write"
which are in turn wrappers around functionality found in the "fabric"
remote system administration package:


  I could adapt the above to something a little more specific to your
needs if you'd like (and I find time!).

  I'm certain there are other solutions floating around, I'd be
interested if you find a better one!

-- ظ

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