[tahoe-dev] Remove node?

Ed Kapitein ed at kapitein.org
Thu Jun 6 07:48:22 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-06-06 at 09:43 +0200, Anders Genell wrote:
> Hi list!
> I'm new here so please excuse my breaking of any code of conduct. 
> We are some friends setting up a small Tahoe grid to use as cloud based backup solution. A friend runs the introducer and I run a storage node connected to it. More nodes to come as more friends join in. When testing things I created a node on one machine but then decided to run my node on a raspberry pi as a low power server. I didn't manage to move the previous node to the pi so I created a new. I now would like to remove my old node from the grid but cannot find any instructions about how to accomplish that. 
> I'm sure I've overlooked something obvious so I humbly ask for someone to point me in the right direction. 
> Best regards,
> Anders

Hi Anders,

I am not an expert, but i think restarting the introducer would do the

Kind regards,

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