Help compiling in windows (aes.h not found)

José Dìaz López Jose.DiazLopez at
Sun Aug 3 08:09:54 UTC 2014

Hi Folks!

I am trying to compile tahoe-lafs for windows platform, since I want to give it a try for an experimental project I am running now. I've sorted out so far the problems with Twisted 13.0 and OpenSSL 0.13, as well as not having vs2008 but using instead vs2010/vs2012 without problem *except* that the compiler does not seem to find aes.h from OpenSSL python package or so.

I wonder if your got some tips or I need to install the OpenSSL SDK or so?

Thank you in advance! I am really keen since this DFS seems to fulfill all the needs I have. I've being trying to compile now for one and a half day since I really believe the idea. But the catch: I need a windows compile :)


José Díaz López, Ph.D.
Product Area Architect - QlikEngine & Repository

Direct: +46 (0) 768 56 59 93
Office: +46 (0) 10 209 78 05
Skype: jfdiazl

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