Bitcloud is going to be based on Tahoe-LAFS

Javier R. Sobrino liberman at
Wed Feb 5 16:29:37 UTC 2014

On 04/02/14 19:49, kpneal at wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 01:31:14PM +0100, Javier R. Sobrino wrote:
>>  6. Automatic Certificate Authorities (CA) management, for secure
>>     reliable connections.
>>  7. Each node and user is associated with a CA managed by a gateway or
>>     publisher.
>>  8. Difficult generation and global acceptance of CAs encouraged by a
>>     reputation system.
> Would DANE be good enough?
> It builds on top of DNSSEC.
We are going to let the name resolution for the applications. Bitcloud
will be DNS-free by all means.

Let me paste something about CAs you can find in the paper

        Certificate Authorities

Certificate authorities (CAs) certifies the ownership of public keys to
relay upon assertions to define trust/untrust relationships between
components of the system. The main uses are:

  * To certify that a storage node is assigned to a gateway.
  * To ensure that a storage node doesn’t gain access to data it is not
    allowed to store.
  * To certify the registration precedents of users, and therefore grant
    or deny access to specific content.
  * To establish relationships between CAs that trust between them.
  * To revoke access to malicious contenders.

          CA creation

Bitcloud do not use a classical centralized scheme in which only a few
of CAs are widely trusted. In contrast, every gateway and publisher is
in charge of generating its own CA and maintain a reputation in order to
be accepted by the community.

The Sybil attack is an attack wherein a reputation system is subverted
by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks at a high rate.

Classical centralized CA schemes avoid Sybil attacks by hosting
trusted/revoked certifications in already well-reputable certificate
vendors, at the expense of human resources to verify identity.

Bitcloud is an automatic decentralized storage system that intents to
avoid centralization, and relay in other means to verify correctness:

  * By making expensive to generate new acceptable CAs, a new gateway or
    publisher must “mine” their CA by soliciting a CPU/memory hard
    problem to resolve and provide the solution associated with the CA
  * By maintaining a reputation of good QoS as promised.
  * By staying online with good reputation, meaning that after a period
    of time offline the certificate is automatically revoked by the
  * By providing a method of public/private individual revocation based
    on decisions from the publishers and gateways.

          CA trust/revocation

To encourage the accomplish of the obligations, Bitcloud maintains a
general synced file called the Node Pool, with statistics associated
with each precise CA. Every node is in charge to publicly/privately
trust or revoke other CAs based on such statistics.

Revocations based on poor QoS are publicly published in the node pool.
Private decisions based on private concerns not associated with QoS are
kept private to the gateway or publisher.

When a gateway is offered to work for the public grid, private
revocations are not to be considered.

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