tor hidden service endpoint designs

meejah meejah at
Sun May 11 16:41:33 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

David Stainton <dstainton415 at> writes:

> I'm replying by e-mail because it might be better than a conversation
> inside a github pull request.

Good idea, thanks ;)

> - Each Twisted process (in this case Tahoe-LAFS) would use 1 (one)
> instance of Tor for all it's client and server communication. We don't
> want txsocksx to have to be dependent on txtorcon... however the
> txsocksx client tor endpoint could *optionally* read a txtorcon module
> variable specifying the tor socks port. If that fails then the tor
> client endpoint would try to find the system tor socks port.

I've been trying on and off to find a solution for similar
problems. Simplest is to answer "is there a Tor already running that's
suitable to connect to". In the general case, this seems "hard", and has
come up at least once on tor-dev -- the only really reliable thing I can
think of is "try to connect to every locally-listening port and speak
tor-control-protocol" which seems horrible...

For your use-case, it seems like there should be a good answer though :)

> - The first time a python process calls the `listen` method on a
> hidden service endpoint, the endpoint object will either use the
> system tor control port OR it will launch it's own tor process.
> (great... because we can reuse your new code for this...) Which ever
> it chooses it will then record this information in txtorcon module
> variables... so that if the same python process later creates more
> hidden service endpoints they will all use the tor process that was
> chosen by the first `listen` method call. This last part about
> tracking a single tor proc is not implemented yet... but Leif seemed
> close to finishing a patch for that. Once this is done then I will
> make the necessary changes to the txsocksx tor client endpoint.

Now I'm a little confused: doesn't the txsocksx client-endpoint do "TCP
over Tor" connections? That is, client-side connections? It shouldn't
really care about which Tor instance it's using (except, of course, that
you don't want to launch lots of them), right?
I guess maybe you mean you want "launch if 0 tors, re-use if 1" logic
here too?

> With this design we would not really need to specify the control port.
> We should probably still have it as an option.. however it isn't
> needed because if we try a few ports where the system control port
> might be and we cannot connect to it then in that case we should start
> tor with it's control port set to an unused port.

One thing I need to bear in mind a little as "the library author" is
that I know some people will want a "private tor no matter what" API
(which is of course still possible; just use txtorcon.launch_tor).

Perhaps providing a txtorcon API for "tell me all the tors you have
launched so far" would be a good thing. This would also be useful for
use-cases where you launch lots of tor instances (e.g. things like
Chutney, which launched a tor test network).

I think we've already rejected overloading controlPort= for two
different use-cases, right?

So how about somthing like this:

1. if controlPort is specified, and we can connect to it, great: we use
   that Tor (if we can't connect, it's an error and things fail)
2. if controlPort is NOT specified, we do some "maybe auto launch"

    a. if our list of launched tors isn't empty, we use the first one
    b. if there's no launched tors yet, we launch one (and remember it)

I believe that will work for your usecase, even with the Tor bug where
we can't add to hidden-serivces in a running tor, because:

1. the first listen() takes a while because it launched a new tor, that
   will be running as whatever user Foolscap/Tahoe-LAFS is running as
2. second and subsequent listen() calls will all use the tor from 1
   which will have the right user (I might need to set "User=" until the
   right tor bug is fixed)
3. note-to-self: make sure a second launch before the first has fully
   suceeded correct waits for the first one ;) sounds like a unit-test :)

I'm still a little tempted to do something with overloading controlPort=
or adding another option so people get explicit control over whether a
new tor is launched or not ("launch=auto" which would be the default, as
above versus "launch=private" or "launch=never" maybe?)

[ Thanks for the explanation of your usecase :) ]

Also, thanks for your work on this!
I'm really glad we're getting this into txtorcon

- -- 

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