Tahoe-LAFS backup scheduling daemon proposal

Daira Hopwood daira at jacaranda.org
Fri May 30 14:27:19 UTC 2014

On 30/05/14 14:23, David Stainton wrote:
> Hi,
> In the interest of completing the Tails + Tahoe-LAFS integration
> (see https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/6227),
> I propose a Tahoe-LAFS backup scheduler daemon.
> This daemon runs a "tahoe backup" command... It should
> therefore have some slightly clever heuristics for deciding when
> to execute the "tahoe backup" command... such as:
> a: detecting data change in directory trees with Linux's inotify
> b: only backup data every X minutes if changes are detected and
> the last change was at least Y minutes ago
> c: if changes are consistently occuring within Y minutes then
> the above heuristic 'b' will cause us not to schedule a backup...
> so we should eventually schedule a backup anyway.

+1. There are two existing tickets about scheduled backups:

Please decide which one you think this idea fits best with (#643 if
it should be a separate process; #1018 if it should be implemented
in the node), and add a link from the other.

> I believe Tails would also benefit from some sort of GUI applet
> interface to this backup daemon.
> It should have at least these 2 features:
> - allows the user to execute an on-demand Tahoe backup.
> - Informs the user of the current Tahoe backup state;
> The three backup states are:
> a. synced
> b. not synced and no backup in progress
> c. not synced and backup in progress
> Could be represented by a progress bar, waxing moon or something that
> changes colors?

... and open a new ticket for this, please.

> And finally the last peice of the Tails + Tahoe-LAFS integration
> would be a Tails specific.
> Two feature additions to the "Persistent volume assistant" :
> 1. a Tahoe-LAFS "configuration assistant"
> If the user chooses to use Tahoe-LAFS with the Persistent volume
> assistant then it asks for a tahoe introducer furl and the data
> encoding parameters N, K and H. It then generates a Tahoe
> client directory and configuration file. It should also set up the
> Tails persistent volume dotfiles directory with a symlink pointing
> to the Tahoe client directory.

This sounds like it could be included as a Tails-specific option in
a general configuration assistant. Please add it to

> 2. the ability to select "Persist to local volume AND Tahoe-LAFS grid"
> for each persistent volume file set.
> This would simply create the configuration file for the above
> mentioned Tahoe backup daemon. It would need an optional user supplied
> tahoe directory capability for each persistent file set... perhaps
> defaulting to a tahoe alias root cap.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Daira Hopwood ⚥

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