"backup" behavior and corrupted file

droki droki at riseup.net
Mon Aug 24 19:44:21 UTC 2015

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn:
> Dear droki:
> Awesome! This might be just the key we need to unlock this.
> One possibility would be if you'd be willing to have your node connect to
> our log-gatherer. Then all of the logs from your node would be transferred
> (over Foolscap, therefore encrypted) to us.
> Regards,
> Zooko
> On Jul 10, 2015 17:39, "droki" <droki at riseup.net> wrote:

I'm running into this issue with many files. Could I connect to your
log-gatherer and see if we can figure this out?



>>>> I'm having trouble running "tahoe backup" involving two different
>>>> issues. First, my backup command keeps getting stuck on a single file.
>>>> It just hangs on the file.
>>>> In fact, this behavior isn't limited to "backup", when I run "tahoe
>>>> check URI:CHK:..." on the URI in question I get the same result - it
>>>> just hangs.
>>> We're currently diagnosing a similar issue that a couple of users are
>>> having with the LeastAuthority.com S4 service. Are you using S4? If
>>> so, you're another S4 user having this problem, and we could use your
>>> help investigating it. If not, then this is surprising because I
>>> thought the bug was in the S4 backend, so if you're having this bug
>>> *without* using the S4 backend, please let us know!
>> Hi Zooko, thanks for your response.
>> I am not a LeastAuthority S4 customer, but I am using the S3 storage
>> backend. Let me know if I can do anything to help diagnose the issue.
>> I used 'tahoe debug dump-cap' against the URI:CHK to get the storage
>> index and found the share that the URI refers to, but I don't know if
>> there's anything helpful there. Here are the English words that 'cat 0 |
>> strings' spit out:
>> codec_name:3:crs,codec_params:8:5881-1-1,crypttext_hash:32:
>> ,crypttext_root_hash:32:
>> ,needed_shares:1:1,num_segments:1:1,segment_size:4:5881,share_root_hash:32:
>> ,size:4:5881,tail_codec_params:8:5881-1-1,total_shares:1:1,
>> Let me know what else I can do to help debug this.
>> -droki
>>>> This brings me to my second issue. I was trying to work around this
>>>> problem and thought "I'll just make a whole new backup."  So I ran
>>>> "tahoe backup" and specified a new directory as the destination. But I
>>>> saw that tahoe was still skipping all the files that had previously been
>>>> backed up, so it wasn't creating  a new complete backup. Is this the
>>>> intended behavior?
>>> Yes, it re-uses the already-uploaded files that are already in the
>>> Tahoe-LAFS grid. It links to them from the newly created backup. Make
>>> sense?
>>>> And, even when specifying a new destination, the backup command got
>>>> stuck on the same URI.
>>> Same problem as above. If you're an S4 customer, please send email to
>>> support at LeastAuthority.com. If not, or even if so, please reply to
>>> this letter to tahoe-dev. :-)
>>>> How can I create a totally new backup?
>>> I don't think it would help to re-upload the files that are already
>>> successfully in the grid, but if you want that you could rm the backup
>>> database and next time you ran "tahoe backup" it would reupload them.
>>> (Then they would get de-duped on the server side, so it wouldn't use
>>> any more server space after upload.)
>>>>  What should I think of this bad URI?
>>> Our current hypothesis is that it is a bug in the S4 backend which is
>>> somehow data-dependent or sticky so that it applies only to certain
>>> files, but does to with 100% reproducibility after it gets triggered.
>>> Daira is investigating right now, so stay tuned, or send us
>>> information about which S4 account is yours and which file of yours
>>> hangs to help us debug it.
>>> Thanks!

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