info about the 'community cube' project?

Frédérique & Hervé Sainct fh.sainct at
Sun Jul 19 10:06:06 UTC 2015

Sorry to bother you -I'm not a developer, and only dare landing here because I first contacted the volunteergrid2 maillist with no reaction.
I won't insist here any further as my topic is not about development, but I'd definitely appreciate any reaction, potentially by direct email at fh.sainct @

I'm more of an end-user than an actual contributor; only very interested in Tahoe-Lafs.

My question is the following: what do you think of the "prepackaged" initiative by the announced "Community Cube" project?

I saw there is no mention of it in the list archives.

To me the whole thing appears quite interesting (possibility to 'just buy and switch on' : an occasion to strongly expand our base), but at the same time it looks like only two persons are running the show, while committing onto a LOT of developments, of which Tahoe-lafs is only a little part, and with that they intend to evolve and maybe fork it (among others to constrain the percentage of storage used vs proposed to others).

This, with a delivery date announced in a matter of months.

I'd readily invest at least in the smallest proposed model, which if working looks extremely interesting for my 'beginner' case.

But... I'm a bit skeptical, and some of you may point me towards more credible alternatives...
In any case all your comments will be extremely welcome!


Hervé Sainct
fh.sainct at

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