1.10.1b1 is tagged

jg71 jg71 at p8d.org
Fri Jun 12 16:34:56 UTC 2015

* Brian Warner <warner at lothar.com> wrote:

> Please test and file any bugs with the "1.10.1" milestone so we can
> triage. If all goes well, I think we can make the final release in a
> week or two.


here's what i got via "tahoe debug trial"


Ran 1174 tests in 2057.973s

PASSED (skips=6, expectedFailures=3, successes=1165)

root at lima:~# python -c "import pkg_resources;print '\n'.join([d.project_name+':
'+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('allmydata-tahoe'))])" | sort

allmydata-tahoe: 1.10.1b1
cffi: 1.1.1
characteristic: 14.3.0
cryptography: 0.8.2
enum34: 1.0.4
foolscap: 0.8.0
mock: 1.0.1
Nevow: 0.11.1
pyasn1: 0.1.7
pyasn1-modules: 0.0.5
pycparser: 2.13
pycrypto: 2.6.1
pyOpenSSL: 0.15.1
pyutil: 2.0.0
service-identity: 14.0.0
setuptools: 15.2
simplejson: 3.5.3
six: 1.8.0
Twisted: 15.2.1
zbase32: 1.1.5
zfec: 1.4.24
zope.interface: 4.1.2

and my humble private grid has been behaving well, so far....


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