Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan ram at
Fri Jan 22 10:01:38 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016, at 08:34 AM, .丶Ever wrote:
> Hi, recently i used zfec to do encoding and decoding. When the file
> size rised to 1G, it occurs some error, and i don't know how to fix it
> or i cannot figure out waht causes these errors.
> my k=210, m=420, every block size is 1460, so for 1G file every 306600
> bytes do once encoding. Here is the error i found out: fec.c:271:
> _invert_mat: Assertion `ipiv[ix] <= 1' fec.c:289: _invert_mat:
> Assertion `c != 0' failed.

I believe this is because `m' has to satisfy the inequality 1 <= m <=
256. The zfec commandline program and the python module would warn you
and refuse to proceed if the preconditions are not met. It looks like
you are directly using the C API. Could you please try with an m value
that satisfy the above condition?

Thanks Ramakrishnan
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