openbsd vs pyca-cryptography build

Brian Warner warner at
Sun Mar 20 01:50:05 UTC 2016

On 3/19/16 5:52 PM, Kyle Markley wrote:
> My system must be funny - I don't have "pip wheel".  But I was able to
> python build from the tarball without any complaint.  Then,
> trying to run the tests gives me undefined symbol errors referencing the
> same symbols. The final line of output says:  7 failed, 725 passed, 1
> skipped, 131 error in 60.57 seconds
> So, this is definitely an issue with the cryptography package. How can I
> help, if I don't have much time to do so?

Lemme check with the cryptography folks (pyca) and see if they've got an
openbsd buildslave (they might just be using travis, and not have
coverage on other platforms). What's the exact version of OpenBSD and
libssl (LibreSSL?) on your box?


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