July 9th nuts and bolts meeting notes

Jessie France jessielisbetfrance at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 00:51:11 UTC 2019

Attended by:
Jessie, Liz, Chris, Meejah, Ram, Anand, Jean-Paul

Status Update
* Forked foolscap code and studying its code structure, tests and
dependencies. Spend half a day last week (Thursday) on this.
Got the tests running (on Python2 of course) and started an analysis of
its Python2->3 changes required.
* Updated tahoe code and studying foolscap dependencies on its main
code and tests.
* Created a py3 virtualenv for foolscap and ran tests in Python3 -
studying the errors.

Timeline Discussion
* Based on outstanding work and current availability, we are proposing
   * End of Sept completion date
   * End November to have testing and certifying
The plan to expedite the timeline:
* Meejah will review the effort to rip out nevow with the goal that
this work will be done in parallel to the porting effort
* We will reach out to users to request they commit time to
integration testing before port as we are merging as things are
* Least Authority can offer integration testing for the what they are
using it for
* We will also do the following to get more support from the community
   * Post the need to IRC - Jessie
   * Post the need to the mailing list - Jessie
   * Create a post advertising the project and the need for support on
the TahoeLAFS webpage - Jean-Paul and Jessie will work on this
   * Post to the mailing list then posting a link under the news
section (update this weekly with the project status updates?)
* Tweet about it on the TahoeLAFS account @tahoelafs & then everyone
can retweet - Liz
* Reach out to the other company using TahoeLAFS to see if they are
interested in doing some testing - Liz
* Reach out to I2P (is this the right name?) grid - to see if anyone
using this would be willing to test - Jessie? Jean-Paul
* Reach out to packagers to see if anyone has any interest in helping - Jessie

I2P not yet ported to Python 3 and Tahoe foundation is not
prioritizing that porting effort
* Jessie and Anand to connect to see if Python software foundation can
offer some funding
* Will post to the community to encourage people to take on this work
and then get funding from the foundation

Spam emails - Jessie to email Brian to see if he has a solution
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