[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [tahoe-lafs] #1425: blacklist support

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Mon Jun 27 10:47:01 PDT 2011

#1425: blacklist support
     Reporter:  warner             |      Owner:  zooko
         Type:  enhancement        |     Status:  new
     Priority:  major              |  Milestone:  1.9.0
    Component:  code-frontend-web  |    Version:  1.8.2
   Resolution:                     |   Keywords:  review-needed
Launchpad Bug:                     |
Changes (by warner):

 * keywords:   => review-needed
 * owner:   => zooko


 It turned out that the easiest implementation puts the blacklist right in
 {{{IClient.create_node_from_uri}}}, which means it's not limited to the
 webapi: FTP/SFTP (and any internal operations) will honor the blacklist
 too. So I'm looking for a better name for the config file than
 {{{$NODEDIR/webapi.blacklist}}}. I think just "blacklist" is a bit short,
 but could be convinced otherwise. Thoughts?

Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1425#comment:1>
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