[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [tahoe-lafs] #1159: stop using .tac files: make it possible to change appname, Python package-directory name, perhaps other names
trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Thu Jan 3 16:35:51 UTC 2013
#1159: stop using .tac files: make it possible to change appname, Python package-
directory name, perhaps other names
Reporter: | Owner: davidsarah
davidsarah | Status: assigned
Type: defect | Milestone: 1.10.0
Priority: major | Version: 1.8β
Component: code- | Keywords: test-needed backward-compatibility
nodeadmin | forward-compatibility appname tac needs-spawn
Resolution: | packaging setuptools review-needed
Launchpad Bug: |
Comment (by davidsarah):
The patch applies cleanly to trunk and passes existing tests.
Re: this comment
# this can't handle e.g. 'tahoe start --nodaemon', since then
# --nodaemon looks like a basedir. So you can either use 'tahoe
# start' or 'tahoe start BASEDIR --TWISTD-OPTIONS'.
That's OK but the error message that you're likely to get is "--basedir '
--nodaemon' doesn't exist", which is not as helpful as it could be.
The patch adjusts some tests but doesn't appear to fully test the change
in functionality. Will think about what tests there should be.
Continuing review...
Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1159#comment:30>
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