[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [tahoe-lafs] #1901: WUI: the "Download!" button leads to the file displayed in-browser instead of "downloaded/saved"

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Fri Jan 4 23:51:57 UTC 2013

#1901: WUI: the "Download!" button leads to the file displayed in-browser instead
of "downloaded/saved"
 Reporter:  zooko                        |          Owner:
     Type:  defect                       |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                       |      Milestone:  undecided
Component:  code-frontend-web            |        Version:  1.9.2
 Keywords:  LeastAuthority.com wui easy  |  Launchpad Bug:
 I just had a call from a customer ("TV") who was surprised that the
 "Download!" button on the WUI caused the file to display in the web
 browser (this file was of text/plain type) instead of downloading/saving.
 I was surprised, too. Investigating, I see that while we've
 [changeset:151f69d9b59ee76522c5ae3dad259ded752e8ad4/git long] had a
 #viewing-downloading-a-file force-download feature], the current WUI
 doesn't use it!

 I reproduced the customer's issue with Firebug turned on and observed the
 following HTTP transactions.

 1. When I click "Download!" my browser issues:

 GET /uri?uri=$CAP&filename=testdown3.txt

 and the tahoe-lafs WUI/WAPI sends a {{{302 Found}}} status:

 HTTP/1.1 302 Found

 and then the browser issues:

 GET /uri/$CAP?filename=testdown3.txt

 After which the server sends the contents of the text file, along with
 header {{{Content-Type: text/plain}}} and no {{{Content-Disposition}}}
 header, and so the browser displays the contents of the file in the
 browser window.

 To close this ticket, make it so that the last request issued by the
 browser uses the third form for
 #viewing-downloading-a-file "Viewing/Downloading a File"], i.e. instead of
 {{{/uri/$CAP?filename=testdown3.txt}}}, it should request
 {{{/named/$CAP/filename=testdown3.txt?save=true}}}. I just tested and
 confirmed that this makes the server include the {{{Content-Disposition}}}
 header, but {{{/named/$CAP/filename=testdown3.txt?save=true}}} does not.

Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1901>
tahoe-lafs <https://tahoe-lafs.org>
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