[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [tahoe-lafs] #887: twisted.web logs the uri on some exceptional conditions, leading to a privacy leak in logfiles

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Mon Jan 14 09:05:31 UTC 2013

#887: twisted.web logs the uri on some exceptional conditions, leading to a
privacy leak in logfiles
     Reporter:  zooko        |      Owner:  nobody
         Type:  defect       |     Status:  closed
     Priority:  major        |  Milestone:  undecided
    Component:  code-        |    Version:  1.4.1
  frontend-web               |   Keywords:  confidentiality privacy logging
   Resolution:  duplicate    |
Launchpad Bug:               |
Changes (by zooko):

 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => duplicate

Old description:

> We have a policy of not logging filenames or caps into our logging
> system.  This is very useful, because then users who want to report a
> problem can send us their log files, or let us connect a foolscap log
> watcher tool to their running Tahoe-LAFS node, without exposing their
> filenames or capabilities to us tahoe-lafs developers.  However, I just
> noticed that twisted.web logs the URI in some error cases, which means
> the {{{twistd.log}}} file can have these privacy-sensitive strings in it.
> I noticed because I was looking at a {{{twistd.log}}} file and it said:
> {{{
> 2009-12-17 07:59:14.525Z [HTTPChannel,162,] Unhandled Error
>         Traceback (most recent call last):
>         Failure: exceptions.RuntimeError: Producer was not unregistered
> for
> /uri/URI:CHK:dskdfkdsfdsf:skjhfsdfhdafkjhdskfjhskjdfhskjfhdksjhfkshf:3:10:6069379?save=true&filename=02.%E5%B7%AE%E4%B8%8D%E5%A4%9A%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F.mp3
> }}}

> (Actually I censored the cap itself when posting this ticket.)
> Here is the twisted.web line that logs the uri:
> http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/trunk/twisted/web/http.py?rev=27335#L591
> The error that is triggering this log message is #685 (!RuntimeError:
> Producer was not unregistered), although there may well be other
> exceptional conditions that we might sometimes hit that could stimulate
> twisted to log the URI.
> We have hitherto been treating the twistd.log file as a log file,
> potentially a source of useful diagnostic information, and inviting users
> to send theirs to us if they have problems.  I guess in the short term we
> should stop doing that, although that could make it impossible to
> diagnose some things.  In the long term we should systematically fix
> privacy and confidentiality leaks like this.  (Also we should get rid of
> the twistd.log file entirely and make all logging go through the foolscap
> system.  That is probably orthogonal to this ticket though.)
> This was with the following versions of software:
> {{{
>          Nevow: 0.9.26
>        Twisted: 2.5.0
>       argparse: 0.8.0
>       foolscap: 0.4.2
>       platform: Linux-Ubuntu_8.04-i686-32bit
>      pyOpenSSL: 0.6
>     pycryptopp: 0.5.16-r669
>         python: 2.5.2
>         pyutil: 1.3.20
>     setuptools: 0.6c8
>     simplejson: 1.7.3
>   tahoe-server: 1.4.1
>        twisted: 2.5.0
>      z-base-32: 1.0.1
>           zfec: 1.4.0-4
> zope.interface: 3.3.1
> }}}

New description:

 We have a policy of not logging filenames or caps into our logging system.
 This is very useful, because then users who want to report a problem can
 send us their log files, or let us connect a foolscap log watcher tool to
 their running Tahoe-LAFS node, without exposing their filenames or
 capabilities to us tahoe-lafs developers.  However, I just noticed that
 twisted.web logs the URI in some error cases, which means the
 {{{twistd.log}}} file can have these privacy-sensitive strings in it.  I
 noticed because I was looking at a {{{twistd.log}}} file and it said:

 2009-12-17 07:59:14.525Z [HTTPChannel,162,] Unhandled Error
         Traceback (most recent call last):
         Failure: exceptions.RuntimeError: Producer was not unregistered

 (Actually I censored the cap itself when posting this ticket.)

 Here is the twisted.web line that logs the uri:


 The error that is triggering this log message is #685 (!RuntimeError:
 Producer was not unregistered), although there may well be other
 exceptional conditions that we might sometimes hit that could stimulate
 twisted to log the URI.

 We have hitherto been treating the twistd.log file as a log file,
 potentially a source of useful diagnostic information, and inviting users
 to send theirs to us if they have problems.  I guess in the short term we
 should stop doing that, although that could make it impossible to diagnose
 some things.  In the long term we should systematically fix privacy and
 confidentiality leaks like this.  (Also we should get rid of the
 twistd.log file entirely and make all logging go through the foolscap
 system.  That is probably orthogonal to this ticket though.)

 This was with the following versions of software:

          Nevow: 0.9.26
        Twisted: 2.5.0
       argparse: 0.8.0
       foolscap: 0.4.2
       platform: Linux-Ubuntu_8.04-i686-32bit
      pyOpenSSL: 0.6
     pycryptopp: 0.5.16-r669
         python: 2.5.2
         pyutil: 1.3.20
     setuptools: 0.6c8
     simplejson: 1.7.3
   tahoe-server: 1.4.1
        twisted: 2.5.0
      z-base-32: 1.0.1
           zfec: 1.4.0-4
 zope.interface: 3.3.1



 duplicate of #685

Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/887#comment:3>
tahoe-lafs <https://tahoe-lafs.org>
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