[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [Tahoe-LAFS] #1950: allmydataectomy: rename "allmydata" package to "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs"

Tahoe-LAFS trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Thu Dec 4 13:52:38 UTC 2014

#1950: allmydataectomy: rename "allmydata" package to "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs"
     Reporter:  warner     |      Owner:
         Type:  task       |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:  2.0.0
    Component:  packaging  |    Version:  1.9.2
   Resolution:             |   Keywords:  cleanup
Launchpad Bug:             |
Changes (by daira):

 * milestone:  undecided => 2.0.0

Old description:

> Now that allmydata.com has been dead for like 5 years, it's probably time
> to remove "allmydata" from the package name. This means:
> * replace all imports with relative imports (reducing the code impact of
> a rename), which is possible because we now require a python version that
> provides relative imports
> * decide on "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs" or "tahoe" or "TahoeLAFS"
> * rename the {{{src/allmydata/}}} directory to match
> * update the {{{setup.py}}} metadata to match
> * change the name we use for git tags, currently like {{{allmydata-
> tahoe-1.10}}}, maybe to just "1.10" or "v1.10"
> * update the PyPI package, debian/ubuntu packages, etc, if they're using
> the old allmydata-tahoe name

New description:

 Now that allmydata.com has been dead for like 5 years, it's probably time
 to remove "allmydata" from the package name. This means:

 * replace all imports with relative imports (reducing the code impact of a
 rename), which is possible because we now require a python version that
 provides relative imports
 * decide on "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs" or "tahoe" or "TahoeLAFS"
 * rename the {{{src/allmydata/}}} directory to match
 * update the {{{setup.py}}} metadata to match

 See also #2011 for changing the PyPI package name (which is easier).


Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1950#comment:10>
Tahoe-LAFS <https://Tahoe-LAFS.org>
secure decentralized storage

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