[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [tahoe-lafs] #2174: skin care 4758

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Fri Feb 7 12:27:09 UTC 2014

#2174: skin care 4758
 Reporter:  robbyroni   |          Owner:  daira
     Type:  task        |         Status:  new
 Priority:  minor       |      Milestone:  undecided
Component:  unknown     |        Version:  1.10.0
 Keywords:  COCO GENIX  |  Launchpad Bug:
 first thing I do is take off my I makeup and then I wash my face again
 with this era be hydrated cleanser and my media to I'll clear sonic what
 is its sonic face machine [http://cocogenixeyeserum.com/ COCO GENIX] I
 should brought down appall into my clear sonic review video here I love
 that I got Christmas only been using it for two months what a difference
 it has made in my skin ohm I use it with the serve and it's nice because
 it this doesn't pull up so on you now with sonic thing I've seen some
 people on YouTube for use it and phone gets crazy but it doesn't Beaumont
 and takes off every scrap of make-up on and then my skin is so clean and
 it helps my anti-aging serums to absorb better so that’s great so after I
 wash and pat dry um now okay this might be a little confusing I am on is
 weird schedule like alternating nights because I'm trying to work in my
 retinoic cream into my regiment and you really need to start using it like
 once a week and then after a month that you build up to twice a week you
 maybe have stretching out to bar no but after month that he got to like
 three times a week that you don't four times we can you see if your skin
 can tolerate using it every day I don't know if I can on especially since
 I want to use the vitamin C Serum every day but com but the trend line is
 great and there's different schools of thought on how you apply it where
 the prime least raise first will you wait a certain amount of time or
 whether you all apply it then apply moisturizer later now you can ask
 dermatologists and you know do a lot of research on thousand the
 information is all over the map there is no consensus on it I got a
 prescription from a doctor she asked me what strength I won I said I
 wanted the 0.05 percent K now the instructions that came with it said that
 you wash your face you drive your face then you wait 15 to 20 minutes then
 you apply um to the Torontonian and then immediately you can apply
 moisturizer now it being the dead of winter here and it being so dry that
 twenty minutes away in between washing my face and putting on a
 moisturizer spree which kills me I can't take it’ll and so that's why did
 the research and you know what's the proper order to put it on and a lot
 of dermatologists I like you know what you're sacrificing so much to the
 dryness by waiting that 15 to 20minutes without a moisturizer it's fine go
 ahead and put on

Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2174>
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