[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [tahoe-lafs] #2178: weight loss doctor plan

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Sat Feb 8 09:06:04 UTC 2014

#2178: weight loss doctor plan
 Reporter:  johnblack11  |          Owner:  < default >
     Type:  task         |         Status:  new
 Priority:  minor        |      Milestone:  undecided
Component:  unknown      |        Version:  1.10.0
 Keywords:  GARCINIUM    |  Launchpad Bug:
 uses I'm nothing would you know artificial sugar I don't do those little
 those little features either like that you put in your coffee and things
 like that completely I know that's not realistic for the rest of my life
 so I have been trying to slowly have something like that on special
 occasions but really reserved sugar for special occasions I do still eat
 fruit but I cut out lights music 13 I don't do is eat out and I've never
 really been someone that does go to restaurants are out frequently and I
 was not really like fast food junkie were either but when I was at my
 heaviest I was finding myself like eating out maybe once a week twice
 awake not just like way more than I ever had force and high-impact week
 and I'm talking eating out like subway mostly I wasn't me Mike terribly
 unhealthy decisions I was getting my sup things like that but I didn't
 stop eating out completely a maybe even now like few times over the last
 year was like truly a special occasion foursome streak I don't like you
 out like this I'm I’m pretty frugal hers I know you cannot see from videos
 because makeup is one[http://garciniumpuregarcinia.com/ GARCINIUM] of
 those areas where do you like to spend some money but to be eating out is
 just a waste like I don't like spending my money there and it's not good
 for you don't know what's in your food we eat out even when you order
 something they thinks healthy it's probably not parents probably not as
 healthy as you think so eating out is not something that's really
 apartment game plan really like just knowing where my

Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2178>
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