[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [Tahoe-LAFS] #2077: pip packaging plan

Tahoe-LAFS trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Tue Jul 21 20:00:31 UTC 2015

#2077: pip packaging plan
     Reporter:  daira      |      Owner:
         Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:  undecided
    Component:  packaging  |    Version:  1.10.0
   Resolution:             |   Keywords:  pip packaging setuptools
Launchpad Bug:             |

Comment (by daira):

 Replying to [comment:33 zooko]:
 > I think a good next-step on this is #2473 (stop using `setup_requires`).

 Actually the dependency is the other way around; #2473 is blocked on using
 pypiwin32 on Windows, which is blocked on using newer setuptools (e.g. the
 setuptools provided by pip). Fortunately it is possible to solve this
 ticket and #2473 at the same time.

Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2077#comment:34>
Tahoe-LAFS <https://Tahoe-LAFS.org>
secure decentralized storage

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