[tahoe-lafs-trac-stream] [Tahoe-LAFS] #467: allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads

Tahoe-LAFS trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Thu Mar 24 11:07:05 UTC 2016

#467: allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for
     Reporter:  warner   |      Owner:  leif
         Type:           |     Status:  new
  enhancement            |
     Priority:  major    |  Milestone:  1.12.0
    Component:  code-    |    Version:  1.1.0
  peerselection          |   Keywords:  availability preservation cache
   Resolution:           |  anti-censorship placement backend rollback add-
Launchpad Bug:           |  only

Comment (by dawuud):

 in my dev branch i've changed the introducer client a bit to include an
 extra parameter in the constructor, the filename to save/load the YAML
 cached announcements. is this OK?

 I made the introducer client save/update announcements it receives to this
 YAML config_file. Although it's a bit inefficient that it must load the
 announcement list and then append the new announcement and then write the
 whole thing to replace the file. But I guess this is what we get for
 trying to make a human editable configuration for this instead of using
 local database like sqlite or something.

Ticket URL: <https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/467#comment:38>
Tahoe-LAFS <https://Tahoe-LAFS.org>
secure decentralized storage

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