[volunteergrid2-l] Hi

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 15:11:33 UTC 2012

Roswell, NM; conspiratorial nexus of the digital universe.  Who knew? 
Jody makes a good point, but at this juncture, I'm inclined to value 
additional nodes higher than the complete mitigation of a "black swan" 
event (such as rain). The Roswell nodes would compose about 15% of the 
grid's population - which is probably a higher than preferred 
concentration.  However, I would be shocked if future node-growth in 
other parts of the world did not far exceed this area going forward. Put 
another way, I fully expect the concentration percentage of Roswell-area 
nodes to drop as VG2 expands.

I second Shawn's membership motion (as such) to admit Benjamin and Aaron 
conditionally, Eugen and Eric without reservation.  Is a formal poll 
necessary or should we simply allow a few more days of "debate" before 
the motion carries?

post scriptum, As an aside, what sort of bounce did the bigpig logs 
reveal from the "Slashdot Effect"?

On 04/04/2012 08:36 AM, Jody Harris wrote:
> Eric presents us with a "potential problem."
> We already have two nodes in Roswell and one in Hagerman (20 miles south
> of Roswell). Based on our redundancy stipulations, Eric's node could
> fall to the same outages as Steve's two, and even overlap with mine.
>   - It is possible for Steve and Eric's nodes to be on the same ISP,
> meaning as ISP outage would take out three nodes at once.
>     - Eric, what ISP are you using?
>   - It is conceivable that a power outage in Roswell could take out all
> three Roswell nodes -- though, I have seen that Roswell's power is very
> dependable.
>     - Power outages in Roswell are rare and typically very brief.
>   - It is likely that a natural disaster (though in itself is unlikely)
> would take out all four Pecos Valley nodes.
>     - The most likely scenario would be flooding -- if it ever rains
> here again. *In the event of a flood*, all four nodes could be destroyed.
> I recommend bringing Eric into the grid, but these are the kinds of
> things we need to be thinking about.
> jody
> ----
> Ph. 575-208-4567
> - Think carefully.
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 7:18 AM, erpo41 at gmail.com
> <mailto:erpo41 at gmail.com> <erpo41 at gmail.com <mailto:erpo41 at gmail.com>>
> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     After reading a comment on slashdot
>     (http://ask.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2758785&cid=39534551
>     <http://ask.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2758785&cid=39534551>) I
>     became intrigued with volunteergrid2. Let me tell you a bit about my
>     situation and perhaps someone on this list can tell me if I'm a good
>     fit for the organization.
>     I live in Roswell, NM in the United States. My home server sits on my
>     10Mbps/1Mbps home Internet connection running 24/7. It has a 4x2TB
>     RAID6 array, about 800GB of which I would be willing donate to the
>     grid. I plan on expanding it to a 5x2TB RAID6 array when hard drive
>     prices get closer to $0.05/GB again, and at that point I would be
>     willing to bump that up to 1TB. It has 1GB of RAM and an Intel Celeron
>     420 CPU. I would like to store about 100GB of my own data on the grid.
>     Thanks,
>     Eric Anopolsky
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soli Deo gloria

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