[volunteergrid2-l] disk drive failure statistics

Dmitriy Kazimirov dmitriy.kazimirov at viorsan.com
Sun Apr 8 04:55:09 UTC 2012

08.04.2012, в 10:52, David-Sarah Hopwood написал(а):
>> 2. Does anyone see any potential for error in this scheme?
> Tahoe normally only has reason to look at the storage partition. If
> the system has another disk that fails, Tahoe wouldn't see it, but a
> program specifically designed to look for such failures on all
> connected non-removable disks, would.
> If the disk failure also takes out the partition on which Tahoe or
> other software on which it depends is installed, then Tahoe won't be
> able to report it.
-1 too
why it will be not good in my specific case:

Tahoe Storage directory(only storage,not .tahoe) is 500 Gb Mac OS X Disk Image right now - so it will always be 'good' until underlying volume fails. Also, if system drive fails - this will cause at least node unavailability.
in addition - if router's drive (my router is running ASG with home license so it needs hdd for work) fails - this also means node is unavailable. 

What and how tahoe will measure in this case?
I think there are other complex configurations too..

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