[volunteergrid2-l] Lease expiration

Brad Rupp bradrupp at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 02:49:01 UTC 2012

I'm fine with 90 days.  I think it is much more reasonable then 1 year.


On 4/10/2012 6:10 PM, Christoph Langguth wrote:
> Am 06.04.2012 19:30, schrieb Jody Harris:
>> Okay. I need to hear from anyone who does not agree with 60 days, or
>> can voice concerns about a 60-day lease expiration.
> Here I am :-D
>> Unless there is good reason or concern to not adopt a 60-day lease
>> expiration, we will consider it "accepted by consent" in week week
>> from today.
> I'm not in disagreement with lowering the lease expiration at all (in
> fact, I have pumped quite a few gigabytes of what is now garbage onto
> the grid while trying to find out a reliable backup strategy).
> I don't have any hard facts against 60 days (just like I wouldn't have
> hard facts in favor, or against, 90, 120, or 360 days). Just two things:
> 1. storage is cheap. We're running at roughly 50% of the capacity
> according to the stats. And the stats depict *all* space used on the
> partition (not only VG2 space), but depict only the (potential) space
> available to VG2 (minus root space, minus reserved space). I don't think
> we need to worry about capacity for the next couple of years.
> 2. 60 days is not a lot, especially if you run repair cronjobs only
> monthly. I'm personally scheduling repairs every month (with daily
> backups, and weekly synchronizations (="offsite backup uploads")).
> Repairing may be quite expensive (as outlined in some previous mails),
> so I'm trying to not do it toooooo often. Then again, one needs to make
> sure shares are still valid. So -- strike a balance between ... ummm....
> overhead and redundancy :-D
> That said, I'm in favor of *90* days.
> That's still only 1/4 of the original retention period, and only 50%
> more than the newly proposed one. Meanwhile, it provides 100% more
> safety if a monthly backup fails... and it allows for a more relaxed
> prolonged overseas holiday.
> ... just sayin'.
> (Actually, no... not just sayin. I'm really against 60 days and propose
> 90 instead :D)
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