[volunteergrid2-l] upload errors

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Mon Jul 2 13:36:02 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 6:24 PM, erpo41 at gmail.com <erpo41 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I created a new dircap and started running
> $ tahoe cp -r backup-T61p/ tahoe:
> (where tahoe: is pointed at a new dircap). Performance seems good so far!
> :)
> Question:
> Is that command smart enough to avoid re-uploading the same files to the
> grid each time it's run? The backup-T61p directory on my volunteergrid2
> server is where my laptop creates its duplicity backups. Incremental
> backups generate new files in that directory but don't change the old ones.

Yes. Immutable file uploads are idempotent.

Unless you change the convergence secret (.tahoe/private/convergence),
repeatedly uploading a file will do very little work, just enough to check
that the shares are in the grid.  If multipole different nodes in the grid
use the same convergence secret they can get cross-node de-duplication as
well.  In fact, this is the purpose of the convergence secret, to ensure
that I can't find out what data you've uploaded to the grid by trying to
upload the same content and discovering that it's already present.

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