[volunteergrid2-l] upload errors

Marco Tedaldi marco.tedaldi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 30 17:46:47 UTC 2012

Hello Eric

On 30.06.2012 19:22, erpo41 at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> P.S.
> Here's the error I keep getting from the console:
> raise
> UploadUnhappinessError(msg)\x0aallmydata.interfaces.UploadUnhappinessError:
> shares could be placed on only 11 server(s) such that any 5 of them have
> enough shares to recover the file, but we were asked to place shares on
> at least 13 such servers. (placed all 15 shares, want to place shares on
> at least 13 servers such that any 5 of them have enough shares to
> recover the file, sent 11 queries to 11 servers, 11 queries placed some
> shares, 0 placed none (of which 0 placed none due to the server being
> full and 0 placed none due to an error))\x0a"
I have had that error a lot as well when I wanted to make the whole
backup in one go. surprisingly, these errors went away as soon as I
started to upload the subdirectories, one by one.
I did not have time to investigate is further, but there seem to be
problems when trying to upload a lot of files in one process.

Since I know that there had been enough servers online and ready to
server my request, i guess there is an error in the client. My (quite
wild) guess is, that the client does not select a new set of servers for
each file uploaded but tries to always use the same ones. And if one of
these servers does not respond anymore, you get the happyness error.

As a work around you could set the total-servers higher, so it would
still be happy when there are some more not accepting the data...

Maybe take this to tahoe-dev...

best regards


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