[volunteergrid2-l] Introducing myself.

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Sat May 19 04:31:27 UTC 2012


Just set up your wiki account. Sometimes the confirmation email gets
caught in the spam folder, so look there if it isn't close to this

Let me know if you have any problems, and drop a note to the list
after you confirm the account so that someone can add you to the

Ph. 575-208-4567
- Think carefully.

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Andrew <kd7lri at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys!  New here so I figure I will give a little info.  This is not a
> bio or anything I just want you to know what I have to offer to the group
> and to let you know that I fully commit to the rules.
> Location 1: 100mbit fiber line and right now 1TB available to share (more
> later).  Files would reside on a RAID 5 array and on a server I designed to
> be reliable (runs in a naturally ground cooled place, has atleast 1 hour of
> UPS backup for itself and its connection etc).  It will far exceed the 95%
> threshold.  In the last year It has been down only for reboots and when
> idiots cut the fiber line (also I am genius and bounced the wrong interface
> once lol).  In total about 2 days out of a year, well suited for this
> project :)
> Location 2: Not ready to run one here yet because I would probably only get
> to 97% uptime/availability and it would be a bigger impact on the connection
> (not as fast, working on an upgrade). Once that happens though I will have
> another 1 or 2TB to add here.
> Hoping I can get a wiki account made so I can get location 1 up and
> running.
> Requested username: AndrewMcKay
> Thanks guys, looking forward to contributing!
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