[volunteergrid2-l] New Member

Stas stas at mainframe.lv
Fri Oct 12 08:08:59 UTC 2012

On 2012.10.10. 19:34, Brad Rupp wrote:
> Introducing Stas as a new member of the list.
> Stas, please tell us a bit about your self and how you would like to
> participate in VG2.  If you are interested in participating in the grid,
> please look over the policies at:
> http://www.bigpig.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VolunteerGrid2Policies

Hello! My name is Stas and I am from Latvia. I am interested in Linux, 
networking and security. I have a few spare 500GB hard drives and a 
desire to try out Tahoe-LAFS on OpenWRT running hardware plus some 
traditional *NIX servers. So my first question to the list is: has 
anybody tried Tahoe-LAFS on low memory/CPU hardware?

> If you agree to these policies, we will need to send you the introducer
> FURL so you can join the grid.

I do agree to the policies.

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