[volunteergrid2-l] New Member

Ruben Pollan meskio at sindominio.net
Wed Sep 5 21:46:09 UTC 2012

Quoting Brad Rupp (2012-09-05 22:49:58)
> Ruben, the next step is to get you an account on the Wiki so you can access 
> the restricted section.  One of the members needs to do that.  I can take care 
> of it this evening (MDT -- GMT-6) if no one has objections.

Tell me if you need something from me. Maybe my user name, I usually use
'meskio', or my GPG key (64B034C2) to send me the password.

> Sorry, this is the slow part of the process.

It's ok, I expected that. I'm not in hurry, if it need some days or weeks I'm 
fine with it.

Rubén Pollán  | http://meskio.net/
Nos vamos a Croatan.

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