[volunteergrid2-l] New Member

Ruben Pollan meskio at sindominio.net
Fri Sep 7 19:08:27 UTC 2012

I configured my node with the default configuration from the wiki. It seems to 
work fine, I can see it listed on the public gateways, but I didn't try to 
upload anything yet.

The wiki[0] recommends to use the node http://bigpig.org:3456/ for test if your 
node works, but it has the old introducer-furl and is not working.

I also added my node to the google map as "Saint Genis Puilly", the name of the 
village where I live.


[0] http://www.bigpig.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/ClassifiedSettings

Quoting Brad Rupp (2012-09-06 07:04:28)
> I just created your account on the Wiki.  Look for further details in private 
> e-mails.

Rubén Pollán  | http://meskio.net/
Nos vamos a Croatan.

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