[volunteergrid2-l] policy about clients

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Mon Sep 10 18:46:01 UTC 2012

There is no limit to the number of clients you set up. You are only bounded
by the amount of space allotted to you.

Ph. 575-208-4567
- Think carefully.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Ruben Pollan <meskio at sindominio.net>wrote:

> Hello,
> I don't find any documentation in the wiki about clients (nodes without
> storage). I guess I can configure some clients if I need, Isn't it? Should
> I
> configure the stats_gatherer.furl on the client? Or we use statistics only
> for
> the storage servers?
> Today I set up one in my laptop to make backup from it. Doing backup
> (several
> GB) I get every few hours an error saying that it can not reach 15 nodes, I
> guess is due to random problems no the network. Is it common to have this
> problems? Is there any way to make tahoe keep trying for ever instead of
> throwing an exception?
> --
> Rubén Pollán  | http://meskio.net/
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Nos vamos a Croatan.
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