[volunteergrid2-l] Hi All

Michael Hall michaeldhall at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 23:55:34 UTC 2013

Hi All,

I would like to join your grid.

I have a few questions, I would like to make sure this grid is a good fit.

To start off, I would like to share what I am currently using for backup. I
am using http://www.symform.com/ . They are light on documentation on how
it works but as far as I can tell every/most operations require central
coordination and their docs seem to suggest they use a 99 pieces need 49
code rate. They do not elude to an "happiness" number. Based on this their
target expansion factor is 2x, and that is the same ratio they expect one
to share to maintain free service. The max a device may contribute is based
on the user reported internet link speed. I have a few major concerns with
their service: 1) its existence depends on the success of a startup which
does not seem to have a sustainable business model. 2) With a target
expansion factor of only 2x. and a lack of community -- just individuals
using a commercial service -- It is hard for me to believe that my data is
actually safely stored on the network. 3) They talk about client
side encryption and that they "cant see your data", however the only secret
seems to be my password, which is the same password I use to log into the
central web service.... So there is no reason for me
to believe they don't have all of my data. I could give them the benefit of
doubt and assume they only centrally store a hash of my password but even
that is not sufficient security.

What is the current average/min/max contribution sizes on the grid?
I currently have about 75G I must store, and about 400G i would be glad to
store but don't need to. I don't know what the planning horizon of the gird
is, but I expect the amount I would like to store to grow to 1T in about 7
to 10 years. Based on the rules, the min would be 500G and the max then
1.5T. With an expansion of 5x that would lead to a max storage capacity
between 100G and 300G. I am more then happy with 100G now, but if that does
not grow with time in a few years I may become restless. I have no idea how
many people out there would be interested in contributing 6T, as I would
like to.

So far how many people have left the grid? How many announced their leaving
and how many disappeared?
With a recommended expansion factor of 5, it seems like the group is
planning on flakiness. I am serious about reliability and availability and
I hope others are too.

Why is there a max of 20 members?
With my naive thoughts, it would seem that the more people the more
diversity over hardware and geography. What I am I missing that makes
larger gids less desirable?

What are the bandwidth expectations of the grid?
Do most use it just for backup?

Ok, I'll stop talking everyone's ear off.
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