[volunteergrid2-l] new grid (was: New member request)

Ruben Pollan meskio at sindominio.net
Wed Feb 20 08:42:13 UTC 2013

Hello Rocke and Michael,

Welcome to the volunteergrid. Sadly some weeks ago we decided to shut down the 
grid, because no one was using it due to reliability issues.

Seen that there is some people interested on the project I think we should try 
to get a new volunteergrid working. Who wants to give it a try and start a new 

Quoting RCV's Tahoe Account (2013-02-20 03:16:49)
> Hi, folks!
> I'm Rocke Verser, and I'd like to join the grid.  I have read your
> terms and I agree to abide by them.  I can put up 500 GB immediately.
> I have used Tahoe-LAFS, privately, for a couple of years.  Although
> I have experimented with other use-models, there are two I presently use:
> 1.  A single storage-server + introducer at a commercial VPS
> on the Web, with private clients behind the firewalls at one or
> more sites I control.  [This is used mainly as a secure "drop-box"
> for friends, family, and coworkers.]
> 2.  A set of small storage-servers, one per spindle, on various
> machines behind my firewall, all at a single site.  This provides
> some protection from spindle failure, but not much else.
> [Typically, I carve off one small partition (or logical volume)
> each time I put a new spindle in service.  All together, I have
> about a dozen spindles with some Tahoe-LAFS data.]
> I read here that a proposed "sunset" has been offered for this
> group.  If that comes to pass, so be it.  At least I will get
> an opportunity to see some of the real issues of a real-world
> distributed grid.
> Although I am not a Tahoe-LAFS developer, I have looked at
> parts of the code, and I have experimented with modifications
> to the client to achieve different (better?) behavior.
> Rather than just saying "Tahoe isn't ready for prime-time", I
> would urge the members of this group to attempt to explain "why"
> it isn't ready for prime-time.  What is it about Tahoe-LAFS (or
> the VG2 group) that prevents this from being an active, vibrant
> group that people can count on for reliable distributed storage?
> [This thread really isn't the place to launch such a discussion.]
> Cheers and thanks!
> -- rcv
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Rubén Pollán  | http://meskio.net/
Nos vamos a Croatan.

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