[volunteergrid2-l] New grid? [ was: Membership]

Ed Kapitein.org ed at kapitein.org
Sun Mar 17 10:24:43 UTC 2013


i just found out that the volunteergrid2 will be terminated by the end 
of the month.
So joining seems to be useless ;-)

I am thinking about starting a new volunteergrid, once v 1.10 is out.
But i would like to learn as much as possible about the pitfalls 
volunteergrid2 suffered from.

One of the things i would like to know the rationale behind some of the 
rules on [1]
Why just 20 members, why not 200? or 2000?
Why at least 500G, but no more then 1 Tb?

Are there more things that, in retrospect, should have been done 
different in setting up a volunteergrid?
How did you attract people to join? (IRC, tahoe-lafs wiki...)
What did you do when the introducer furl was leaked?

How was the interaction between the developers and the volunteergrid, 
once it became clear that the grid wasn't ready for "production use"?
( I can imagine, that some developers are actually members of the 
volunteer grid )

Are there still members on this list that wouldn't mind contributing 
diskspace, even when they are not going to use the v1.10 volunteergrid 
for anything important?

I know this is a long list of questions, but it could save me a lot of 
time, avoiding the problems you already have overcome.

Kind regards,

[1] https://tahoe-lafs.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/volunteergrid2-l
On 03/14/13 14:53, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to use and contribute to the volunteergrid2.
> I have 300G disk space i can bring to the party, and need to use about
> 50G myself.
> I am running tahoe on a rpi, and that seems to work well in the pubgrid.
> Is there still room for one more member?
> Kind regards,
> Ed
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