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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracModPython

2011-10-10 03:59:07 (13 years ago)



  • TracModPython

    v1 v2  
    44Trac supports [ mod_python], which speeds up Trac's response times considerably, especially compared to [TracCgi CGI], and permits use of many Apache features not possible with [wiki:TracStandalone tracd]/mod_proxy.
    6 These instructions are for Apache 2; if you are still using Apache 1.3, you may have some luck with [wiki:TracModPython2.7 TracModPython2.7].
     6These instructions are for Apache 2; if you are still using Apache 1.3, you may have some luck with [trac:wiki:TracModPython2.7 TracModPython2.7].
     8== A Word of Warning ==
     10As of 16^th^ June 2010, the mod_python project is officially dead.  If you are considering using mod_python for a new installation, '''please don't'''!  There are known issues which will not be fixed and there are now better alternatives.  Check out the main TracInstall pages for your target version for more information.
    812== Simple configuration ==
    15  ''Note: The exact path to the module depends on how the HTTPD installation is laid out.''
     19''Note: The exact path to the module depends on how the HTTPD installation is laid out.''
    1621On Debian using apt-get
    2025(Still on Debian) after you have installed mod_python, you must enable the modules in apache2 (equivalent of the above Load Module directive):
    22 a2enmod mod_python
     27a2enmod python
    2429On Fedora use, using yum:
    3338   PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
    3439   PythonHandler mod_python.testhandler
     40   Order allow,deny
     41   Allow from all
    4552   PythonOption TracEnv /var/trac/myproject
    4653   PythonOption TracUriRoot /projects/myproject
     54   Order allow,deny
     55   Allow from all
    5059The option '''`TracUriRoot`''' may or may not be necessary in your setup. Try your configuration without it; if the URLs produced by Trac look wrong, if Trac does not seem to recognize URLs correctly, or you get an odd "No handler matched request to..." error, add the '''`TracUriRoot`''' option.  You will notice that the `Location` and '''`TracUriRoot`''' have the same path.
     61The options available are
     63    # For a single project
     64    PythonOption TracEnv /var/trac/myproject
     65    # For multiple projects
     66    PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /var/trac/myprojects
     67    # For the index of multiple projects
     68    PythonOption TracEnvIndexTemplate /srv/www/htdocs/trac/project_list_template.html
     69    # A space delimitted list, with a "," between key and value pairs.
     70    PythonOption TracTemplateVars key1,val1 key2,val2
     71    # Useful to get the date in the wanted order
     72    PythonOption TracLocale en_GB.UTF8
     73    # See description above       
     74    PythonOption TracUriRoot /projects/myproject
     77=== Python Egg Cache ===
     79Compressed python eggs like Genshi are normally extracted into a directory named `.python-eggs` in the users home directory. Since apache's home usually is not writable an alternate egg cache directory can be specified like this:
     81PythonOption PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /var/trac/myprojects/egg-cache
     84or you can uncompress the Genshi egg to resolve problems extracting from it.
    5285=== Configuring Authentication ===
     160=== Setting the Python Egg Cache ===
     162If the Egg Cache isn't writeable by your Web server, you'll either have to change the permissions, or point Python to a location where Apache can write. This can manifest itself as a ''500 internal server error'' and/or a complaint in the syslog.
     166<Location /projects/myproject>
     167  ...
     168  PythonOption PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /tmp
     169  ...
    128174=== Setting the !PythonPath ===
    203 if you have issues with login try using `<LocationMatch>` instead of `<Location>`
     249This does not seem to work in all cases. What you can do if it does not:
     250 * Try using `<LocationMatch>` instead of `<Location>`
     251 * <Location /> may, in your server setup, refer to the complete host instead of simple the root of the server. This means that everything (including the login directory referenced below) will be sent to python and authentication does not work (i.e. you get the infamous Authentication information missing error). If this applies to you, try using a sub-directory for trac instead of the root (i.e. /web/ and /web/login instead of / and /login).
     252 * Depending on apache's `NameVirtualHost` configuration, you may need to use `<VirtualHost *:80>` instead of `<VirtualHost *>`.
    205254For a virtual host that supports multiple projects replace "`TracEnv`" /var/trac/myproject with "`TracEnvParentDir`" /var/trac/
     256Note: !DocumentRoot should not point to your Trac project env. As Asmodai wrote on #trac: "suppose there's a webserver bug that allows disclosure of !DocumentRoot they could then leech the entire Trac environment".
    207258== Troubleshooting ==
    220271=== Expat-related segmentation faults === #expat
    222 This problem will most certainly hit you on Unix when using python 2.4.
     273This problem will most certainly hit you on Unix when using Python 2.4.
    223274In Python 2.4, some version of Expat (an XML parser library written in C) is used,
    224275and if Apache is using another version, this results in segmentation faults.
    225 As Trac 0.11 is using Genshi, which will use indirectly use Expat, that problem
     276As Trac 0.11 is using Genshi, which will indirectly use Expat, that problem
    226277can now hit you even if everything was working fine before with Trac 0.10.
    238289Using <Location /> together with `SetHandler` resulted in having everything handled by mod_python, which leads to not being able download any CSS or images/icons. I used <Location /trac> `SetHandler None` </Location> to circumvent the problem, though I do not know if this is the most elegant solution.
     291=== Problem with zipped egg ===
     293It's possible that your version of mod_python will not import modules from zipped eggs. If you encounter an `ImportError: No module named trac` in your Apache logs but you think everything is where it should be, this might be your problem. Look in your site-packages directory; if the Trac module appears as a ''file'' rather than a ''directory'', then this might be your problem. To rectify, try installing Trac using the `--always-unzip` option, like this:
     296easy_install --always-unzip
    240299=== Using .htaccess ===
    244303It may be possible to work around this with mod_rewrite, but I failed to get this working. In all, it is more hassle than it is worth. Stick to the provided instructions. :)
     305A success story: For me it worked out-of-box, with following trivial config:
     307SetHandler mod_python
     308PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
     309PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
     310PythonOption TracEnv /system/path/to/this/directory
     311PythonOption TracUriRoot /path/on/apache
     313AuthType Basic
     314AuthName "ProjectName"
     315AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
     316Require valid-user
     319The `TracUriRoot` is obviously the path you need to enter to the browser to get to the trac (e.g. domain.tld/projects/trac)
     321=== Additional .htaccess help ===
     323If you are using the .htaccess method you may have additional problems if your trac directory is inheriting .htaccess directives from another.  This may also help to add to your .htaccess file:
     326<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     327  RewriteEngine Off
    246332=== Win32 Issues ===
    263 See also [[]]
     349See also []
    265351=== FreeBSD issues ===
    266352Pay attention to the version of the installed mod_python and sqlite packages. Ports have both the new and old ones, but earlier versions of pysqlite and mod_python won't integrate as the former requires threaded support in python, and the latter requires a threadless install.
    268 If you compiled and installed apache2, apache wouldn´t support threads (cause it doesn´t work very well on FreeBSD). You could force thread support when running ./configure for apache, using --enable-threads, but this isn´t recomendable.
    269 The best option [[ seems to be]] adding to /usr/local/apache2/bin/ennvars the line
     354If you compiled and installed apache2, apache wouldn´t support threads (cause it doesn´t work very well on FreeBSD). You could force thread support when running ./configure for apache, using --enable-threads, but this isn´t recommendable.
     355The best option [ seems to be] adding to /usr/local/apache2/bin/ennvars the line
    279365If this is not the case, it's possible that you're using Subversion libraries that are binary incompatible with the apache ones (an incompatibility of the `apr` libraries is usually the cause). In that case, you also won't be able to use the svn modules for Apache (`mod_dav_svn`).
    281 You also need a recent version of `mod_python` in order to avoid a runtime error ({{{argument number 2: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected}}}) due to the default usage of multiple sub-interpreters. 3.2.8 ''should'' work, though it's probably better to use the workaround described in #3371, in order to force the use of the main interpreter:
     367You also need a recent version of `mod_python` in order to avoid a runtime error ({{{argument number 2: a 'apr_pool_t *' is expected}}}) due to the default usage of multiple sub-interpreters. 3.2.8 ''should'' work, though it's probably better to use the workaround described in [trac:#3371 #3371], in order to force the use of the main interpreter:
    283369PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
    285 This is anyway the recommended workaround for other well-known issues seen when using the Python bindings for Subversion within mod_python (#2611, #3455). See in particular Graham Dumpleton's comment in [comment:ticket:3455:9 #3455] explaining the issue.
     371This is anyway the recommended workaround for other well-known issues seen when using the Python bindings for Subversion within mod_python ([trac:#2611 #2611], [trac:#3455 #3455]). See in particular Graham Dumpleton's comment in [trac:comment:9:ticket:3455 #3455] explaining the issue.
    287373=== Page layout issues ===
    298384Note: For the above configuration to have any effect it must be put after the configuration of your project root location, i.e. {{{<Location /myproject />}}}.
     386Also, setting `PythonOptimize On` seems to mess up the page headers and footers, in addition to hiding the documentation for macros and plugins (see #Trac8956). Considering how little effect the option has, it is probably a good idea to leave it `Off`.
    300388=== HTTPS issues ===
    317405=== Segmentation fault with php5-mhash or other php5 modules ===
    318 You may encounter segfaults (reported on debian etch) if php5-mhash module is installed. Try to remove it to see if this solves the problem. See debian bug report [[]]
    320 Some people also have troubles when using php5 compiled with its own 3rd party libraries instead of system libraries. Check here [[]]
     406You may encounter segfaults (reported on debian etch) if php5-mhash module is installed. Try to remove it to see if this solves the problem. See debian bug report []
     408Some people also have troubles when using php5 compiled with its own 3rd party libraries instead of system libraries. Check here []
    323 See also TracGuide, TracInstall, TracCgi, TracFastCgi
     411See also:  TracGuide, TracInstall, [wiki:TracModWSGI ModWSGI], [wiki:TracFastCgi FastCGI],  [trac:TracNginxRecipe TracNginxRecipe]