def upload_immutable(storage_server, storage_index, renew_secret, cancel_secret, shares): """ Synchronously upload some immutable shares to a ``StorageServer``. :param storage_server: The storage server object to use to perform the upload. :param bytes storage_index: The storage index for the immutable shares. :param bytes renew_secret: The renew secret for the implicitly created lease. :param bytes cancel_secret: The cancel secret for the implicitly created lease. :param dict[int, bytes] shares: A mapping from share numbers to share data to upload. The data for all shares must be of the same length. :return: ``None`` """ already, writers = storage_server.allocate_buckets( storage_index, renew_secret, cancel_secret, shares.keys(), len(next(iter(shares.values()))), ) for shnum, writer in writers.items(): writer.write(0, shares[shnum]) writer.close() def upload_mutable(storage_server, storage_index, secrets, shares): """ Synchronously upload some mutable shares to a ``StorageServer``. :param storage_server: The storage server object to use to perform the upload. :param bytes storage_index: The storage index for the immutable shares. :param secrets: A three-tuple of a write enabler, renew secret, and cancel secret. :param dict[int, bytes] shares: A mapping from share numbers to share data to upload. :return: ``None`` """ test_and_write_vectors = { sharenum: ([], [(0, data)], None) for sharenum, data in shares.items() } read_vector = [] storage_server.slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev( storage_index, secrets, test_and_write_vectors, read_vector, )