Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#141 setuptools console scripts vs. manually installed dependencies warner defect major 0.5.1 fixed
#146 teach setuptools how to build an official tahoe source tarball zooko enhancement major 0.5.1 fixed
#156 how to find tahoe process with ps warner defect major 0.6.0 fixed
#163 add note about make check-deps to README zooko enhancement major 0.6.0 fixed
#10 clean up after yourself when told to "make clean" zooko defect minor 0.6.0 fixed
#131 add simplejson source to our distribution warner task minor 0.6.0 fixed
#134 zfec: Windows build: are the compiler optimizations right? zooko defect minor wontfix
#157 include public test grid furls in .debs? warner enhancement minor 0.6.0 fixed
#180 make test-clean gives false alarms warner defect minor 0.6.0 fixed
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