Custom Query (3698 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 3698)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2021 improvements to security/reliability of packaging that are possible without switching from zetuptoolz closed defect normal 1.11.0
#2022 Add *.DS_Store to .gitignore closed markberger enhancement normal 1.10.1
#2023 regression coincident with iputil fixes, on FreeBSD and Slackware closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2024 downloader hangs when server returns empty string new defect normal eventually
#2025 test storage server behaviour for bad container files or chunk objects assigned daira defect normal soon
#2026 storage server should file a local corruption report if it discovers a share with a corrupted container new defect normal soon
#2027 Inconsistent 'tahoe cp' behavior closed defect normal 1.10.1
#2028 Twisted endpoints introduce a dependency on pywin32 closed daira defect normal 1.11.0
#2029 'tahoe cp' gives a bad error message when no file name is specified. closed enhancement normal 1.10.1
#2030 'make clean' does not delete all generated files new defect normal undecided
#2031 Optionally serve ./docs from the web gateway. new enhancement normal undecided
#2033 Investigate drop-off of PyPI downloads according to closed daira task normal undecided
#2034 Update for mutable files is sensitive to the number of servers closed warner defect normal 1.10.1
#2035 "tahoe backup" on the same immutable content when some shares are missing does not repair that content. new defect normal soon
#2036 accept trailing slashes on directory cap URIs new defect normal undecided
#2038 look for any Y2038 problems in Tahoe-LAFS or its dependencies new defect normal undecided
#2039 Add a last modified timestamp to mutable files closed enhancement normal undecided
#2040 mutable files: expose test-and-set operations to HTTP clients new daira defect normal undecided
#2042 add doc about incompatible changes due to leasedb closed daira defect normal 1.14.0
#2043 patience before reporting not enough shares? closed daira enhancement normal undecided
#2045 Make the paths of the different folders configurable new leif enhancement normal soon
#2046 Add tahoe cp --children-of option new defect normal soon
#2047 refactor *Source classes in to have a basename() method rather than passing around (name, source) pairs assigned daira defect normal undecided
#2048 allmydata.test.test_cli.Cp.test_copy_using_filecap is really slow due to a test bug closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2049 Decide where "packaging tests" should live. new nejucomo task normal soon
#2050 Expand HowToWriteTests to packaging and distribution tests new blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#2051 Publish the buildbot configuration in a public repository & define where to track its issues closed daira defect normal undecided
#2052 Automate testing of merge requests to streamline review. closed daira defect normal soon (release n/a)
#2053 make "tahoe backup" avoid "piling up" if the backup job takes longer than the period new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2054 Track unit test duration for possible regressions new enhancement normal undecided
#2056 bad connection hint in tub.location works once new daira defect normal undecided
#2057 reproducible builds new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2058 trac sqlite db accesses taking a long time closed warner defect normal soon (release n/a)
#2059 Increase file reliability against group failure closed enhancement normal undecided
#2060 Alter mutable uploads to use upload strategy of happiness new markberger enhancement normal soon
#2062 what happens if a "tahoe backup" process is in progress when another one is started? new defect normal undecided
#2063 users expect 'python install' to install dependencies closed sel defect normal undecided
#2064 The build instructions do not specify the list of dependencies closed marlowe defect normal undecided
#2065 port to Python 3 closed enhancement normal Support Python 3
#2066 performs work without a command being specified closed defect normal 1.11.0
#2067 licensing info is duplicated between README.txt and docs/about.rst file closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2068 cloud.s3 backend: investigate DNS failures; possibly fall back to bucket-in-path for retries if bucket-in-host fails closed daira defect normal 1.15.0
#2069 binary eggs for linux don't work on Debian 7 closed defect normal undecided
#2070 WUI: what's the difference between "Immutable" and "SDMF"? new defect normal undecided
#2071 DeprecationWarning: Passing non-bytes header values is deprecated since Twisted 12.3. Pass only bytes instead. closed defect normal 1.11.0
#2072 enable Travis-CI for the main Tahoe-LAFS repo closed warner defect normal soon (release n/a)
#2073 Wrong ports are reported for connected nodes new defect normal undecided
#2074 add Travis build status images to home page closed defect normal undecided
#2075 consider deleting unsupported Python 2.6 eggs for Windows closed defect normal soon (release n/a)
#2076 is not properly open-sourced and version-controlled closed defect normal soon (release n/a)
#2077 pip packaging plan closed defect normal 1.11.0
#2078 1.9.2 release didn't have a git branch closed defect normal soon (release n/a)
#2080 remove the "experimental" flag on MDMF in the WUI and make it the default new warner enhancement normal soon
#2081 bad error message when you give a readonly dircap as target to "tahoe cp" new defect normal undecided
#2082 it says "option --node-dir not a unique prefix", but it is! new defect normal soon
#2083 Move 1819-cloud-merge-opensource branch from LeastAuthority/tahoe-lafs to tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs closed daira task normal soon (release n/a)
#2084 Commercial grids need an ability to disallow downloads without deleting data new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2085 Unit tests should work offline new defect normal undecided
#2086 Use Twine to Upload Packages to PyPI closed warner defect normal 1.10.1
#2087 clarify the literal command-lines in quickstart.rst closed marlowe defect normal 1.10.1
#2088 create-node error when ~/.tahoe already exists new warner defect normal soon
#2089 error due to lack of a node directory / node.url is poorly reported closed daira defect normal undecided
#2091 make automated test of the --profile feature closed defect normal undecided
#2093 State-mutating GET methods in webapi. new daira defect normal undecided
#2094 rebuild (if necessary) PyCrypto eggs to use libgmp >= 5, to mitigate RSA timing attack closed defect normal undecided
#2095 sftp - unable to recognise password in private/accounts assigned daira defect normal soon
#2096 tahoe backup says "WARNING: cannot backup special file" when a file has been moved while it is running new defect normal undecided
#2097 deprecate FTP in favor of SFTP? new daira defect normal soon
#2098 remove dependency on zbase32 and pyutil closed zooko defect normal undecided
#2099 bring back tahoebot closed enhancement normal soon (release n/a)
#2100 passphrase-encrypt the aliases file new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2101 improve error messages from failed uploads new daira defect normal soon
#2102 generate docs with sphinx closed ambimorph enhancement normal soon (release n/a)
#2103 Ensure buildbot configuration automates coverage analysis with publicly linkable reports. closed daira defect normal undecided
#2104 pip install . confused by _trial_temp closed defect normal undecided
#2105 fix the definition of needs-rebalancing closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2106 RAIC behaviour different from RAID behaviour closed defect normal 1.10.1
#2107 don't place shares on servers that already have shares new enhancement normal undecided
#2108 uploader should keep trying other servers if its initially-chosen servers fail during the "scan" phase new daira defect normal soon
#2109 tahoe deep-check raises MustForceRepairError new defect normal undecided
#2110 uploader confuses self-write-dedup with "server is full" new markberger defect normal undecided
#2117 Valid helper makes "Connected to Q of R" irrelevant for upload success new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2118 Lower extension size new daira defect normal undecided
#2119 Don't pre-convert all serverids to ServerTrackers new markberger defect normal undecided
#2120 Change counter value for AES-CTR new daira defect normal undecided
#2121 test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem fails on OSX 10.9 closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2122 Update jQuery to address CVE-2011-4969 closed defect normal 1.10.1
#2123 Build intermitently-connected replication-only storage grid new daira enhancement normal undecided
#2124 Add [storage].max_shares configuration option new enhancement normal undecided
#2126 send application/json content-type for JSON response new defect normal undecided
#2127 Disambiguate "client" and "gateway" occurrences in Tahoe-LAFS docs assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#2128 comments in tahoe.cfg cause introducers to appear down closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2129 "bin/tahoe debug trial" runs installed code somewhere other than modified source files in src/ closed amiller defect normal 1.12.0
#2130 show all information about servers and shares in checker results closed enhancement normal soon
#2131 Create Launchpad PPAs for stable and daily builds new task normal soon
#2132 Backup symlinks closed daira enhancement normal undecided
#2133 no JSON output for node status (GET /?t=json) closed defect normal eventually
#2135 Add --print-uri option to "tahoe backup" to dump resulting backup URI new amontero enhancement normal soon
#2136 Use Content-Security-Policy to harden the WUI new daira defect normal undecided
#2137 -u for -node-url= clashes with -u for --uri in tahoe ls closed Daira Hopwood <daira@…> defect normal 1.11.0
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