Custom Query (33 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#54 port memory usage tests to windows davidsarah enhancement major 0.6.0

Status: closed (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#20 unit tests take too long warner defect major unknown fixed
#79 make check-memory is broken warner defect major 0.4.0 fixed
#115 update webapi docs for distributed dirnodes warner enhancement major 0.4.0 fixed
#183 file upload timestamps somebody defect major 0.6.1 fixed
#240 shares not uploaded to a server? zooko defect major 0.6.1 invalid
#334 pycryptopp: some features require more careful linking than Ubuntu Gutsy default build provides zooko defect major 0.8.0 fixed
#435 automate testing of large files somebody defect major 1.0.0 fixed
#659 rusty dusty server fails on tests arch_o_median defect major 1.3.0 invalid
#908 Make all test_runner tests work on cygwin davidsarah defect major 1.5.0 wontfix
#952 multiple simultaneous uploads of the same file zooko defect major 1.6.0 duplicate
#1651 remove exec() from the codebase somebody defect major 1.9.0 cannot reproduce
#2800 make OS-X travis tests run faster task normal 1.11.0 fixed
#2811 coverage: replace run_trial with "python -m twisted.trial" task normal 1.11.0 fixed
#88 uploading a directory causes a brief dirnode exception warner defect minor 0.4.0 invalid
#138 profiling zooko enhancement minor 0.6.1 fixed
#735 time_format.parse_date() test failure bdew defect minor 1.4.1 duplicate
#744 leasecrawler test failure warner defect minor 1.4.1 cannot reproduce
#1151 remove untested and unused comparison methods of util/ daira defect minor 1.7.1 wontfix
#2239 remove unmaintained tahoesvc and pkgresutil zooko defect minor 1.10.0 fixed
#409 "make check-deps" does not detect missing Python.h. somebody defect trivial 1.0.0 wontfix

Status: new (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#337 how does the whole system handle lots of file-upload tasks? somebody defect major 0.8.0
#562 add a "censor" command to filter out sensitive information from log files somebody defect major 1.2.0
#687 too many "false alarms" in incident reporting somebody defect major 1.4.1
#841 Support localization by eliminating hardcoded English strings somebody defect major 1.5.0
#1021 report all exceptions warner defect major 1.6.1
#1156 the test_2_good_8_hung_then_1_recovers_* methods in test_hung_server are wrong somebody defect normal 1.8β
#1559 in test_download.Corruption.test_each_byte, catalog_detection = True has bitrotted somebody defect normal 1.8.2
#3237 Integration tests should not use sleep defect normal 1.13.0
#3307 refactor: centralize helper for "remove comments" enhancement normal n/a
#1078 timestamps: localizable format and timezone somebody defect minor 1.7β
#1139 refactor abbreviate utility methods somebody defect minor 1.7.1
#1501 too many source files called,, etc. somebody defect minor 1.8.2
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