Custom Query (7 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1216 document our commitment never to add government backdoors somebody defect major 1.8.0 fixed
#1692 FTP frontend should not be more prominent than SFTP in any of the documentation somebody defect major 1.9.1 fixed
#1733 remind David-Sarah to post improved security arguments for Rainhill 3 zooko enhancement normal 1.9.1 fixed
#1738 post improved security arguments for Rainhill 3 davidsarah enhancement normal n/a wontfix
#2102 generate docs with sphinx ambimorph enhancement normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2357 document in what ways Tahoe-LAFS builds are not currently verifiable daira task normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2755 adopt formal code of conduct defect normal 1.10.2 fixed
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