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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1017 source repository is broken somebody defect closed supercritical soon (release n/a)
#1654 integrity failure in mutable retrieve (SDMF+MDMF) in 1.9.0 nobody defect closed supercritical 1.9.1
#2955 Fedora 28 builder is failing exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2956 AppVeyor Windows CI builds are failing exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2957 The deprecations CircleCI job is failing exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2958 Travis pyinstaller integration test job is failing exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2959 The Travis Trusty/Tor integration tests are failing exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2960 The pyflakes lint checks are failing on CI exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2961 The Slackware 14.2 CI job is failing exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#2962 The OSX buildbot builder is failing GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#2980 --eliot-destination reservation of "\" for escape is incompatible with typical Windows usage GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#3267 Integration tests fail on CircleCI defect closed supercritical undecided
#3271 CircleCI image builders with pip older than 9 fail because of setuptools incompatiblity exarkun defect closed supercritical undecided
#3272 Deprecations job on CircleCI fails with I2P-related errors GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#3296 CentOS 7 CI job fails GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#3297 Deprecations CI job fails GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#3298 NixOS 19.09 CI job fails GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#3299 PyPy CI job fails Sajith Sasidharan <sajith@…> defect closed supercritical undecided
#3627 Circle CI unable to resolve dependencies jaraco defect closed supercritical undecided
#3781 Python3 reports as incomplete on CLI GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed supercritical Support Python 3
#22 can't use it behind firewalls -- 'local_ip' file handling is broken somebody defect closed critical
#29 web upload uses up lots of RAM zooko defect closed critical
#59 measure the performance of fec zooko enhancement closed critical
#81 implement URI:LIT encoding for very small files warner defect closed critical 0.5.0
#129 high memory usage during GET for large files and slow links warner defect closed critical 0.6.0
#149 unable to use pre-installed non-distutils-aware nevow zooko defect closed critical 1.4.1
#187 security flaw: directory server can escalate read access into write access nobody defect closed critical 0.7.0
#251 make debian packages of dependencies zooko task closed critical 1.1.0
#272 implement mutable-file recovery: update can't recover from <k new shares warner defect closed critical 1.1.0
#331 add DSA to pycryptopp - serialize pubkeys with less fluff zooko defect closed critical eventually
#365 added secret to protect convergent encryption from confirmation-of-a-file and learn-partial-information attacks zooko defect closed critical 1.0.0
#374 reconnecting to one server should trigger reconnection attempts to all defect closed critical 1.1.0
#379 very large memory usage when adding to large directories somebody defect closed critical 1.1.0
#382 debian packages aren't installable: need setuptools somebody defect closed critical 1.1.0
#402 bug in Twisted, triggered by pyOpenSSL-0.7 zooko defect closed critical 1.3.0
#426 handle disk-full situations properly warner enhancement closed critical 1.1.0
#439 don't write corrupt >12GiB files warner defect closed critical 1.1.0
#469 build pycryptopp+zfec debs for hardy zooko task closed critical 1.3.0
#506 don't attempt to find trial until twisted is installed somebody defect closed critical 1.3.0
#507 our mac buildslave can't build .dmg files robk defect closed critical 1.3.0
#555 tahoe .deb cannot be installed on hardy: simplejson dependency is too new somebody defect closed critical 1.3.0
#586 save our old performance data somebody task closed critical soon (release n/a)
#615 Can JavaScript loaded from Tahoe access all your content which is loaded from Tahoe? davidsarah defect assigned critical soon
#698 corrupted file displayed to user after failure to download followed by retry defect closed critical 1.5.0
#705 "tahoe mv" unlinks the target even when it is a directory kevan defect closed critical 1.5.0
#738 failure in block hash tree bdew defect closed critical 1.5.0
#746 Tahoe operations fail with "no attribute _writekey" exception defect closed critical undecided
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information daira defect new critical soon
#769 have buildslaves automatically build debian packages of foolscap, zfec, pycryptopp, pyutil, argparse, zbase32 nobody defect closed critical eventually
#778 "shares of happiness" is the wrong measure; "servers of happiness" is better zooko defect closed critical 1.7.0
#819 allmydata.test.test_repairer.Verifier.test_corrupt_crypttext_hashtree failed warner defect closed critical undecided
#830 review Brian's patches for #607 zooko defect closed critical 1.6.0
#833 reject mutable children when *reading* an immutable dirnode davidsarah defect closed critical 1.6.0
#877 reentrant confusion in mutable publish causes incorrect UCWE defect closed critical 1.6.0
#889 'tahoe deep-check --repair --add-lease' triggers an exception in the client francois defect closed critical 1.6.0
#891 web gateway memory grows without bound under load warner defect new critical soon
#893 UCWE when mapupdate gives up too early, then server errors require replacement servers defect new critical soon
#919 hitting the "create directory" button in the WUI gives an error nobody defect closed critical 1.6.0
#941 SFTP frontend fails when listing a directory containing a mutable file, because it relies on node.get_size() to be an integer davidsarah defect closed critical 1.7.0
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? daira defect new critical soon
#948 LiteralFileURI instance has no attribute 'storage_index' bigpig defect closed critical 1.6.1
#1019 is 403 Forbidden somebody defect closed critical soon (release n/a)
#1026 upgrade zetuptoolz on supported buildslaves zooko defect closed critical 1.7.0
#1038 new SFTP implementation unicode issues with OpenSSH sftp client nobody defect closed critical 1.7.0
#1045 Memory leak during massive file upload (or download) through SFTP frontend zooko defect closed critical 1.8.1
#1118 broken assert in kevan defect closed critical 1.7.1
#1154 mplayer triggers two bugs in Tahoe's new downloader warner defect closed critical 1.8.0
#1155 Capability of interrupted downloads is logged in twistd.log warner defect closed critical 1.8.0
#1160 viewing web-status of unfinished immutable downloads causes exception warner defect closed critical 1.8.0
#1162 immutable download progress on "Recent Uploads/Downloads" hardcoded to 10% defect closed critical 1.8.0
#1170 new-downloader performs badly when downloading a lot of data from a file defect closed critical 1.8.0
#1212 Repair used default shares.happy kmarkley86 defect closed critical 1.8.1
#1253 http proxying can break webapi and leak capabilities (manifests as JSON decoding error in CLI tests) warner defect closed critical 1.8.1
#1287 tahoe --version or --version-and-path can show the wrong versions or paths davidsarah defect closed critical 1.8.2
#1308 don't upload debs built from a branch zooko defect closed critical soon (release n/a)
#1355 bug in error path of cross_check_pkg_resources_versus_import warner defect closed critical 1.9.0
#1395 error doing a check --verify on files bigger than about 1Gbyte zooko defect closed critical 1.9.0
#1469 new random introducer port on each start davidsarah defect closed critical 1.9.0
#1510 modifying SDMF file fails when tahoe.cfg's k/N differs from file Brian Warner <warner@…> defect closed critical 1.9.0
#1525 SFTP: handle download failures correctly; remove use of IFinishableConsumer warner defect closed critical 1.10.0
#1526 make sure the new MDMF extension field is forward-compatible and safe warner defect closed critical 1.9.0
#1528 escalation of authority from knowing a storage index to being able to delete corresponding shares davidsarah defect closed critical 1.8.3
#1583 Failure: allmydata.mutable.common.UncoordinatedWriteError kevan defect closed critical undecided
#1590 S3 backend: intermittent "We encountered an internal error. Please try again." from S3 secorp defect closed critical undecided
#1594 darcs failures due to new SSL certificate somebody defect closed critical soon (release n/a)
#1628 UCWE on deep check with recent version kevan defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1636 Unhandled error in Deferred during retrieve warner defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1655 Reproducible UncoordinatedWriteError on repair somebody defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1669 ValueError (need more than 8 values to unpack) during mutable MDMF repair nobody defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1670 KeyError in mutable read-modify-write zooko defect assigned critical soon
#1676 ERROR: AssertionError(), apparently on mutable publish during check/repair (current git) killyourtv defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1678 S3 backend: either handle or avoid truncated get_bucket responses davidsarah defect closed critical 1.14.0
#1689 assertion failure zooko defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1721 introducer: WrapV1SubscriberInV2Interface instance has no attribute 'tracker' warner defect closed critical 1.10.0
#1732 consider changes to webapi "Move" API before release somebody enhancement closed critical 1.10.0
#1749 bug in mutable publish that could cause an IndexError when a writer is removed in Publish._connection_problem warner defect closed critical 1.9.2
#1824 Tahoe process gone wild daira defect new critical soon
#1945 WUI regression: Welcome page doesn't display on client-only nodes due to _node_key not being present. warner defect closed critical 1.10.0
#2208 excluded from Debian because of no-source-code-included files warner defect closed critical 1.10.1
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS blaisep defect assigned critical soon
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