Custom Query (148 matches)


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Results (101 - 148 of 148)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#3017 MagicFolder.startService is called twice because _Client.init_magic_folder incorrectly calls startService review-needed defect closed normal
#3020 Update long numeric literals review-needed defect closed normal
#3023 Add some Eliot logging to immutable upload review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3024 Speed up CircleCI builds by caching more of the environment setup review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3025 Sometimes the test suite hangs in/around allmydata.test.test_runner.RunNode.test_introducer review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3026 Intermittent "Address already in use" error from various allmydata.test.test_system tests review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3029 All of the "adopt-socket"-reliant tests fail against the installed version of Tahoe-LAFS review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3051 Storage clients fail, nearly completely, when they encounter a "bad" storage announcement review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3053 Implement server-side support for IFoolscapStoragePlugin review-needed exarkun defect closed normal
#3054 Implement client-side support for IFoolscapStoragePlugin review-needed defect closed normal
#3111 do less monkey-patching in allmydata.test.cli.test_start.RunTests.test_run_invalid_config review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3119 Storage server plugin announcements trample on each other review-needed defect closed normal
#3231 Allow storage economics plugins to expose a web interface review-needed defect closed normal
#3233 Tor integration tests started failing review-needed defect closed normal
#3238 Make CI not fail because of PyPy job failures review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3239 Fix PythonTwoRegressions.test_new_style_class review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3240 The SFTP test suite never runs review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3241 Refactor remote_slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev to separate storage and lease logic review-needed leases garbage-collection accounting GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3242 Pass the full Tahoe-LAFS configuration IFoolscapStoragePlugin.get_client_resource review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3243 Make allmydata.web.storage_plugins.StoragePlugins new-style review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3248 Pass the full Tahoe-LAFS configuration IFoolscapStoragePlugin.get_storage_client review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3250 IFoolscapStoragePlugin.get_storage_client cannot actually return a Deferred yet review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3251 Move tahoe-depgraph under the tahoe-lafs organization review-needed task closed normal
#3261 Declare correct cryptography requirement for setuptools review-needed exarkun defect closed normal
#3265 Re-use/keep alive single storage plugin web resource review-needed enhancement closed normal
#3266 Add packaging for NixOS and test on CI review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement closed normal
#3300 Only run GitHub Actions CI on push to master, not all pushes review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3382 Remove allmydata.web.common.MultiFormatPage review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3389 Upper bound for attrs review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3399 Evaluate adding mypy checks to code checks review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement closed normal
#3421 Makefile housekeeping review-needed enhancement closed normal
#3422 allmydata/web/ should return error pages instead of raising WebError review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3423 allmydata/web/ should return error pages instead of raising WebError review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3424 allmydata/web/ should return error pages instead of raising WebError review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3425 allmydata/web/ should return error pages instead of raising WebError review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3427 allmydata/web/ should return error pages instead of raising WebError review-needed GitHub <noreply@…> defect closed normal
#3448 Convert modules that only reference `unicode` to `str` review-needed rpatterson task closed normal
#3542 CircleCI: Tor project's Debian package repository keys have expired review-needed sajith defect closed normal
#3555 Update historical notes about stats_gatherer.furl review-needed sajith defect closed normal
#3557 Test suit prints GuessedAtParserWarning review-needed sajith defect closed normal
#3603 Start porting allmydata.scripts to Python 3 review-needed jaraco defect closed normal
#3616 Python 3.6 tests on GitHub Actions review-needed sajith defect closed normal
#3636 Re-organize Tahoe-LAFS manual's table of contents review-needed sajith enhancement assigned normal
#1099 stdout might not have an 'encoding' attribute startup encoding unicode review-needed zooko defect closed minor
#1385 stop respecting the pre-v1.3.0 configuration files (improve error message and tests) docs configuration defaults usability news-needed error review-needed defect closed minor
#1454 remove misc/debian or sync it from Debian packaging debian review-needed warner defect closed minor
#1557 apply coding tools to misc/ directories other than misc/build_helpers cleanup coding-tools review-needed defect closed minor
#1585 restructure the web UI's handling of static files review-needed cleanup wui davidsarah enhancement closed minor
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