Custom Query (246 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 246)

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Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3001 Python 3 syntax compatibility ratchet CI job defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3008 Update test code to use print function over print statement defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3009 Replace print statement with print fuction for all tahoe_* scripts defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3010 Replace print statement with print fuction defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3011 Replace StringIO imports with six.moves defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3013 Update try/except syntax for python3 compatibility defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3014 Update raise syntax for python3 compatibility defect normal unknown
#3015 Update octal numeric literals defect normal unknown
#3019 Remove tuple unpacking in function definitions for Python3 compatibility GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3020 Update long numeric literals defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3027 Remove use of backticks as shorthand for repr defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3028 Change use of unicode/raw string literals defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3030 Enforce python3 syntax compliance for entire repo defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3031 Port or replace: pycryptopp meejah defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3032 Port or replace: pypiwin32 defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3033 Port or replace: txi2p defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3034 Port or replace: nevow defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3035 Turn python2 checks from errors into warnings jaraco defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3239 Fix PythonTwoRegressions.test_new_style_class GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3254 port allmydata.web.status to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3255 Add an automated test that passes when Tahoe-LAFS has been ported to Python 3 defect normal unknown n/a
#3257 port allmydata.web.root.URIHandler to use twisted.web.template defect normal code-frontend n/a
#3263 Port (manifest) to t.w.template meejah defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3287 port allmydata.web.status.UploadStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3288 port allmydata.web.status.DownloadStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3289 port allmydata.web.status.PublishStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3290 port allmydata.web.status.RetrieveStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3291 port allmydata.web.status.MapupdateStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3292 port allmydata.web.status.Statistics to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3293 port allmydata.web.status.HelperStatus to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web 1.13.0
#3294 port allmydata.web.root.IncidentReporter to use twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend n/a
#3295 upgrade foolscap defect normal unknown n/a
#3305 port allmydata.web.root.Root to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3306 Port allmydata.test.web.test_grid to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code n/a
#3308 Remove web.common.RenderMixin sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3316 port allmydata.web.check_results to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3339 Port allmydata.util.assertutil and mathutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3340 Delete unused code from allmydata.util itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3341 Port allmydata.util.pollmixin and deferredutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3342 Port base32 and base62 to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3343 Add more tests for base32 and base62 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3345 Ported lists of modules is missing a test module itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3346 Port allmydata.util.abbreviate and time_format to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3351 Port allmydata.util.spans to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3353 Port and .pipeline to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3354 Port allmydata.hashtree to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3355 Collect coverage measurements from the Python 3 CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3356 Port allmydata.util.iputil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3357 Port allmydata.version_checks and allmydata.util.verlib to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3358 port allmydata.util.fileutil to Python 3 fijal defect normal unknown n/a
#3359 Port allmydata.util.statistics and .dictutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3361 Port allmydata.util.gcutil and limiter to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3364 Port alllmydata.crypto to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3365 Port allmydata.util.nummedobj and .log to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3367 Port allmydata.uri to Python 3 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3368 (apparently) get_version called via Foolscap now fails with a Violation GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal code n/a
#3369 Allow the ratchet job to pass if tests pass which are not listed as expected to pass defect normal unknown n/a
#3370 Port allmydata.immutable.happiness_upload to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3372 Ratchet based on test module, not individual test GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3373 Port allmydata.util.happinessutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3374 Port allmydata.codec, allmydata.interfaces and allmydata.monitor to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3376 Port allmydata.util.encodingutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3377 Port allmydata.util.configutil and connection_status to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3378 Port allmydata.util.encodingutil to Python 3, part 2 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3379 Get closed itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3381 port to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3382 Remove allmydata.web.common.MultiFormatPage GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3383 Make the tests for import and run on Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3386 Port to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3387 Port to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3389 Upper bound for attrs GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3392 Remove allmydata.test.common_web.WebRenderingMixin sajith defect normal unknown n/a
#3393 remove allmydata.web._nevow_106 sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3395 Port the rest of allmydata.test.test_storage_web to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3396 Make allmydata.test.test_storage run on Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3397 Get allmydata.test.test_storage passing on Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3401 test_system is failing consistently on pypy in CI itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3402 Port tests/code for remote_get_version (storage-related?) to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3408 Replace print statements with print functions in comments jaraco defect normal code n/a
#3409 Port to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3410 Milestone status is out of date exarkun defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3411 Port to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3412 Many tests are flaky defect normal unknown n/a
#3415 Port to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3416 Port allmydata.test.no_network to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3417 Audit existing ported modules for del in for loops itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3419 Port allmydata.test.test_encode to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3430 Port allmydata.test.test_upload to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3432 Replace Nevow imports in tests with Twisted's equivalents GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3435 Remove nevow from misc/build_helpers/ sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3436 Remove unused web.common.getxmlfile() sajith defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
#3437 Port allmydata.test.test_filenode to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3439 Port allmydata.test.test_download to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3446 Port allmydata.test.test_helper to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3449 Port remaining interfaces to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3450 Port allmydata.immutable.literal to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3452 Port, .common, .node, and .status to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3458 Make sure all callRemote calls uses native strings itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3462 Port allmydata.immutable.encode to Python 3 itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#3465 Port allmydata.storage_client and tests to Python 3 exarkun defect normal unknown n/a
(more results for this group on next page)
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